EC Sales List and CIS submission errors - UK only

These errors relate to EC Sales, CIS and non-MTD VAT submissions. For Making Tax Digital (MTD) submissions, follow our MTD Submission errors article.

When you use your software to submit your VAT Return, EC Sales List and CIS Return online, you may encounter errors.  We explain the error messages and how to resolve them.

[BCB:18:Wizard code:ECB]


Select your submission error from the drop-down menu:


Declaration submitted is for a future period.

What this message means

This can mean one of the following:

  • The dates used in the VAT Return or EC Sales List are in the future.
  • The selected period reference is incorrect.
  • Your PC date is set to a future date.
How to resolve
  • Check the dates used for the VAT Return, EC Sales List or CIS Return you're trying to submit

    The dates shouldn't be beyond the date on which you're making the submission. For example, if your return is for the period 1 May until 31 July, you can’t submit until 1 August at the earliest.

  • Ensure that you've selected the correct period reference

    For example, if you're submitting an EC Sales List for the period 01/01/2010 - 31/03/2010, this may be quarter 4 in relation to your financial year. However, EC Sales List quarters are based on a calendar year, therefore you should choose quarter 1.

    TIP: If the Period Reference is incorrect, delete the EC Sales List and recalculate it, choosing the correct reference.

  • Check that your PC date is correct

If the issue still occurs, contact HMRC.


[BCB:47:Sales - SEB:ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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