If you use compatible bank software or a compatible bank's website, you can use e-Banking to connect it. This enables you to process e-Payments and e-Reconciling.
TIP: Click the country you're working in to view a list of all compatible banks and their e-Banking components:
After you select the bank type, click Configure then edit the details of your electronic banking. For more information about this, refer to the section Configure your bank.
NOTE: Install the component on each computer that will use e-Banking.
Account Details
Account Name
The name of your bank account. Enter this to use e-Banking.
Account Number
The bank account number. This is usually eight digits but you can enter up to sixty characters.
Sort Code
The bank sort code. You can enter the sort code as a six-digit number or with dashes. For example, 112233 or 11-22-33.
If this account is for your company credit card, enter the expiry date of the card.
Enter your reference number to make payments via e-Banking. The reference is to identify the payer.
If your bank issues you with an International Bank Account Number (IBAN), enter it here. This is a specific format of the bank account number to make transactions between European countries easier, to help reduce errors and delays.
Use an IBAN to make or receive payments across country borders in the European Union (EU), European Economic Areas (EEA) and Switzerland.
You always use an IBAN with a Bank Identifier Code (BIC).
With an IBAN, extra characters appear in front of an existing bank account number and sort code. This complete combination of extra characters, existing code and account number together make up the IBAN.
If your bank notifies you of a Bank Identification Code (BIC) number or swift code for this bank account, enter it here. The BIC or swift code is to identify financial organisations.
If this is your default company bank account, this information appears beneath your company name and address on any invoices and orders you print.
The BIC is either eight or eleven characters, including a bank code (4 characters), country code (2 letters), location code (2 characters) and an optional branch code (3 characters).
If your building society notifies you of a Roll Number for this account, enter the number.
This is an additional reference some building societies use.
Additional Ref
Use this box to enter any additional information you receive relating to your bank account.
Enter any text, up to three lines of sixty characters.
Click Save, then click Close.
Configure your bank
Click Bank accounts, select the relevant bank account, then click New/edit.
Click the Bank Details tab, then click Configure and complete the Sage eBanking Configuration window as follows:
NOTE:The information required to configure the e-Banking option depends on the bank type you choose from the drop-down list. Some of the options aren't available in all banking software.
Common directory
The directory where the e-Payment files and e-Reconcile statement files save appears here.
C:\ automatically appears. To amend this, enter the path to the data or click Browse to locate the directory.
Override common directory
If you don't want to use the same directory for e-Payment files and e-Reconcile statements, select this checkbox.
NOTE:If you select this checkbox, you must complete the Statement Reconciliation Service and Payment file options directories.
Statement Reconciliation Service
This is the directory where the statement files from your banking software save to, before you import into e-Reconcile.
C:\ automatically appears. To amend this, enter the path to the data or click Browse to locate the directory.
You can also enter the file extension your banking software saves the statement files as, for example, TXT. This ensures that only files with that extension appear in the Import window.
Payment file options
This is the directory, file name and extension of the e-Payments file that your online Banking software uses.
C:\ automatically appears. To amend this, enter the path to the data or click Browse to locate the directory.
NOTE:If you don't enter a File Identifier the file name is the date in the format DDMMYYYY, for example, 01092019. See how to process e-Payments for more help.
Click OK, then click Save and click Close.
Set up the supplier records for e-Payments
Click Suppliers, then select the relevant supplier account and click Edit.
Click the Bank tab and complete the Supplier Bank Details as follows:
Bank Details
Bank Name
Enter the supplier's bank name.
Enter the supplier's bank address.
Account Name
Enter the supplier's bank account name.
Sort Code
Enter the supplier's bank sort code. You can enter the sort code as a six-digit number or with dashes. For example, 112233 or 11-22-33.
Account Number
Enter the supplier's bank account number. This is eight digits.
Payment Details
If you have the supplier's BACS reference, you can enter it here.
Stands for International Bank Account Number. Use an IBAN to make or receive payments across country borders in the European Union (EU), European Economic Areas (EEA) and Switzerland. You always use an IBAN with a Bank Identifier Code (BIC).
NOTE:This is for information only which you can then use in your reports.
The code is a standard identifier for banks and you will use it on all international payments.
NOTE:This is for information only which you can then use in your reports.
Roll Number
An additional reference which some building societies use.
Additional Ref
Use this box to enter any additional information you receive about this supplier's bank account.
You can enter up to three lines of sixty characters.
Payment Method
From the drop-down list, choose the preferred payment method agreed with this supplier.
Your software comes with several payment methods: BACS, Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Direct Debit (DD) or Standing Order (SO) and Other.
You can add your own payment methods to the list with user-defined methods. To do this, click the button alongside the box. Enter the relevant description and click OK.
If the method involves online payment, click the Online check box then click OK.
Online Payments
Select this check box to indicate that you can pay this supplier using Sage e-Banking.
Click Save and click Close.
NOTE:Any payment you create for a supplier with Online Payments selected, now has a reference of (BACS). If you don't want to send the payment via BACS, remove or replace the reference. However, the payment won't appear in e-payments if you remove the reference.
Next steps
You're now ready to start using e-Payment. See how to process e-Payments for more information about this.