How do I e-Reconcile my bank account?

Here we explain how to import a statement, what file formats are required and how to reconcile the transactions in the e-Reconcile option.

Before you can use e-Payments you must first check your bank is compatible and set up e-Banking.

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Import your bank statement file

Before following the steps below, you must download your online bank statement from your bank, in the correct format.

  1. Click Bank accounts, select the required bank account and from the Reconcile drop-down, click E-reconcile.
  2. Enter the Statement End Date and Statement End Balance and click OK.
  3. Click File then click Import Bank Transactions and browse to the bank statement file to be imported then click Open.

If the statement file doesn't appear, this is because the file isn't in the correct format. You must download the file again from your bank software in the correct format. To find out more information about the file formats, proceed to the file formats section. This doesn't import transactions into the audit trail.

File formats
Choose your bank:

Reconciliation window

The following values appear and can't be amended:

Opening BalanceThis is the balance brought forward from the last reconciliation. This should be the same as the closing balance on your previously reconciled statement.

If this is different from the closing balance on your last reconciliation, the most common cause is the amendment or deletion of a reconciled transaction. If a reconciled transaction is amended, the transaction is still flagged as reconciled but the opening balance changes by the value of the amendment. If a reconciled transaction has been deleted the opening balance is amended by the value of the deleted transaction.
Book Balance At DateThis is the bank account balance up to the date entered on the Amend Bank Statement Details window. It represents the balance of reconciled and unreconciled items up to this date.
DifferenceDisplays the difference between the Opening Balance plus the transactions you've selected to reconcile and the Statement End Balance. When you've selected all of your transactions this should be zero unless you have to make adjustments for transactions not yet entered into Sage Accounts, such as bank charges.
Uncleared ItemsThis is the total value of all of the transactions on the Reconciliation window, that aren't yet selected.
Reconciled BalanceThis initially displays the opening balance figure, which is the sum of the current reconciled transactions. It changes automatically as you select transactions.
Before you save, this box should be the same balance as the closing balance on your bank statement.

In the Bank Reconciliation window, the following information appears for each of the imported bank transactions and Sage Accounts transactions. Initially this information is sorted by transaction number. To change the order in which they are sorted, click any of the column headings. For example, to sort these transactions by date order, click the Date column heading.

No/Trans NoThis is the number for the transaction as it appears on the Sage Accounts audit trail, or the number allocated to the imported bank transaction.
RefThis is the reference for both your bank and Sage transactions.
TypeSage transactions only. This column shows the transaction type, for example, BR - bank receipt.
DateThe date the Sage transaction was entered, or the date of the bank transaction on your bank statement.
DetailsThe description for the Sage transaction, or the description of the transaction on your bank statement.
Payments/ReceiptsThe value of the transaction.
Match WithWhen a transaction has been matched, this displays the transaction(s) that's matched against it.
Conf?This shows if the transaction has been confirmed.

Initially set to N, once the transaction has been confirmed, this changes to Y.
Rec. AmountThis shows the amount matched against the transaction.

Automatically reconcile

NOTE: If you exit e-reconciliation with out reconciling part way through, any matches made will need to be matched again.

  1. From the Reconciliation window, select the required Automatic option, for example:
    Match FullTo automatically match transactions with the same reference and amount, click Match Full.
    Match AmountsTo automatically match transactions with the same amount, click Match Amounts.
    Match RefsTo automatically match transactions with the same reference, click Match Refs.
  2. If more than one matching transaction is found, the Duplicate Transaction window appears and the following options then are available:

    • To confirm the match, select the transaction to be matched click Match.

      If required, to unmatch a transaction, open the Tasks menu then choose Unmatch. You can either unmatch all matched transactions or select specific transactions to unmatch.

    • To proceed with the automatic matching process, without confirming the matching transactions > Next.
    • To close the window without matching transactions click Cancel.

      The matching transactions are highlighted in green.

      The Matched With column displays the number of the transaction that has been confirmed as a match. The values in Difference, Uncleared Items and Reconciled Balance are amended as transactions are selected.

  3. To verify the matched transactions click Confirm.

    To view the confirmed transactions, open the View menu then choose Confirmed, this displays only the confirmed transactions.

    Alternatively, to display all transactions, open the View menu then choose All. The matched and confirmed transactions are in grey.

  4. To reconcile the confirmed transactions click Reconcile.
  5. When using e-Reconcile no PDF statement is generated when you reconcile the transactions.
  6. To reconcile the matched transactions and return to the Bank Accounts window click Yes.

    If you use e-Reconciliation, you can't save your matched or confirmed transactions unless you complete the reconciliation. If you close the Reconciliation window and choose to ignore your changes, when you next use this option, the transactions reappear in the bank transactions list.
Manually reconcile
NOTE: If you exit e-reconciliation with out reconciling part way through, any matches made will need to be matched again.
  1. From either the Sage transaction list, or the bank transaction list, select the transaction(s) you want to reconcile.

    To select more than one transaction, hold the Shift key.

  2. From the opposite list, select the transaction(s) you want to reconcile against.
  3. To match the transactions, select Manual Match.

    If the matched totals are different, you receive a message to confirm the match. If the Automatically confirm Manual Matches check box is selected, the Match Manual option confirms the transactions and removes them from the window. To select this check box, open the Tools menu then choose Options.

  4. To verify the matched transactions click Confirm.

    To view only the confirmed transactions, from the menu bar open the View menu then choose Confirmed. To view all transactions, from the menu bar open the View menu then choose All. The matched and confirmed transactions are in grey.

  5. To reconcile the confirmed transactions click Reconcile.

    When using e-Reconcile no PDF statement is generated when you reconcile the transactions.

  6. To reconcile the matched transactions and return to the Bank Accounts window click Yes.

    If you use e-Reconciliation, you can't save your matched or confirmed transactions unless you complete the reconciliation. If you close the Reconciliation window and choose to ignore your changes, when you next use this option, the transactions reappear in the bank transactions list.

Reconcile reversed transactions

There may be circumstances where you enter a transaction in the bank account and then you post a reversing transaction. For example, you may transfer some money to another bank in error and then transfer it back to reverse it. You can't reconcile these in the e-Reconciliation window as there are no transactions to match these to. Therefore you must manually reconcile these transactions in Corrections.

  1. Click Transactions, select the required transaction click Edit.
  2. Select the Bank rec on check box and enter a date.
  3. Click Save and click Yes.

Avoid duplicate statement info on a network

If you're on a network and you've more than one user importing statement files into e-Reconcile you may have duplicate entries in the Reconcile window.

To avoid this you must edit the path for the Reconciled statement information in BANKSERV.INI file on each PC which uses e-Reconcile.

  1. In Windows browse to the following folder:
    Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows VistaC:\ProgramData\Sage\Sage EBanking
    Windows XPC:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sage\Sage Ebanking
  2. Right-click BANKSERV.INI then choose Open With, select Notepad then click Open.
  3. Locate the entry for BankTransactionDir=

    This is normally at the top of the list.

  4. Type in the common shared directory where the e-reconciliation files are held, this should be a path on the computer which holds your Sage Accounts data.
  5. Click File and click Save.
  6. Repeat the procedure on all relevant computers.
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