Salary sacrifice pension schemes

A salary sacrifice pension scheme deducts pension contributions from employees' gross pay, before calculating tax and national insurance (NI).

This means that both you and your employee could benefit from paying a lower amount of tax and NI.

 NOTE: Employees mustn't earn less than the National Minimum Wage (NMW). If you operate a salary sacrifice scheme, ensure the amount employees sacrifice doesn't take their pay below NMW. 


Salary sacrifice pension arrangements mean that the employee no longer contributes directly to their pension scheme. The employer contributes at least the amount sacrificed by the employee and can also make their own contribution.

For further information about salary sacrifice pensions, visit the HMRC website.

Set up salary sacrifice pension scheme

  1. Go to Company then Pension Schemes.
  2. In the Enrolment Review Date box, enter the date you next need to review your pension schemes for automatic enrolment.
    NOTE: This is for information only in Sage 50 Payroll. If you're unsure what to enter, contact your pension provider. 
  3. Select a pension scheme to set up, then Edit.
  4. Complete the fields in the Details tab.

Check your pay elements 

Ensure that you've correctly set your pay elements to be included in the pension calculation as required.

  1. Go to Company, then Pay Elements.
  2. Select the checkbox This payment is subject to Salary Sacrifice (Pension Only) for each required pay element.
     NOTE: You can't include factored pay elements in Salary Sacrifice pension calculations.

 To be compliant with the national minimum wage (NMW), the employee shouldn't sacrifice an amount that reduces their gross pay below the NMW.

TIP: If your employee also has a salary sacrifice deduction, Sage 50 Payroll calculates the pension contribution using the pensionable pay before deducting the other sacrifice arrangement.

Assign the pension scheme

If you use the Pensions Module, you can process the employee's next payroll as normal. When you run the Pension Assessment, it enrols eligible employees. 

If you don't use the Pensions Module and need to assign the pension scheme manually add a pension scheme to an employee's record

Process the employee's pay

  • The Payments window displays the amount of their normal salary
  • The bottom line displays the amount of the salary sacrifice and the employee's gross pay reduces accordingly
  • In the Summary tab the columns beside Pre-Tax Payments, Taxable Gross Pay and Total Gross Pay display the reduced amount
  • The Employer's window displays the sacrificed amount of the employee's pension and if applicable, includes the amount of the employer's contribution


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