Postpone an employee's automatic enrolment

When an employee first becomes eligible for automatic enrolment, if required you can postpone their enrolment by up to three months.

  1. Select Payroll, then select the relevant employees on your employee list.
  2. Select Pension Assessment.
  3. Select Yes and follow the steps in the Backup Wizard.
  4. Within the pension assessment, select the employees you want to postpone then click Postpone.
    NOTE: If the Postpone option isn't available, follow our Pension Module - postpone option not available article. 
  5. Enter the date to postpone until, then select Postpone.
    TIP: You can apply an employee's postponement for up to three months.
  6. Send the postponement letter to your employees using Send Pension Correspondence. For help with doing this, follow the how do I send pension correspondence guide.

You've postponed the employees, and can continue to process as normal.

Run the pension assessment each period you process. If the employees are eligible for automatic enrolement when the postponement ends, your software enrols them.

[BCB:373:UKI - Pension training sales:ECB]


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