Add a pension scheme to an employee's record

Once you've Set up a pension scheme, you can easily assign it to an employee in their employee record. Let's do this now.


Before you start

Don't assign a pension scheme to a new employee if you use the Pensions Module.

With the Pensions Module, when you run the Pensions Assessment, your software assigns a scheme automatically to eligible employees.

Assign a pension scheme to an employee

  1. Double-click the required employee, then click the Pensions tab.
  2. Click Manage Schemes, then click Add.
  3. Click the Scheme Reference drop-down and select the scheme,
  4. Click OK then click OK.
  5. In Annual Pensionable Salary, enter the employee's salary that's subject to pension deductions.
    TIP: Remember their pension may not apply to certain parts of their pay, such as overtime.
  6. If you want to record a start date, you can enter this in Effective From.
  7. To save the changes, click Close, click Save then click Close.

You've now assigned the pension scheme to your employee.

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