Manual Statutory maternity pay (SMP)

Sage 50 Payroll simplifies SMP by automatically calculating employees' entitlement. To set this up, follow the enter statutory maternity pay (SMP) via the employee's record article.

If you need to calculate and process SMP manually, you can enable the manual SMP function.

You can use this function if you complete a TUPE transfer. The employee's record in their new company has no processing history, which stops your software from automatically calculating SMP.  

 CAUTION: With manual calculations, you must ensure the payments and number of weeks paid are correct. Your software doesn't validate the manual SMP values you enter. 


Check your small employers' relief (SER) status

Typically, employers can reclaim 92% of SMP that they pay to employees. However, a small employer can reclaim 100% plus 3% in small employers' relief.

Check your Small Employers Relief (SER) entitlement before you process SMP. If you are, set up your software so that it automatically calculates the SER for you. Do this before you process SMP.

For help with doing this, follow our what is Small Employers' Relief? article.

 NOTE: The same steps apply for Manual Adoption Pay. 

Prepare an employee record for manual SMP

  1. Double-click the required employee, then click the Absence tab.
  2. Click S.M.P, then select the Manual Statutory Maternity Pay Calculations check box.
  3. Click OK, then click Save.
  4. Click Close.

If you need to disable manual SMP for an employee, follow the steps above but clear the checkbox in Step 2. 

Process manual SMP

  1. Select the required employee, then click Payroll.
  2. Click Enter Payments, then click the Summary tab.
  3. For Statutory Maternity Pay, under Current, click the finder Finder icon. button.
  4. Enter the value of SMP you want to pay your employee in this pay period, then click OK.

Once you enter the SMP for your employee, you can Adjust normal payments to accommodate statutory pay if necessary. 

NOTE: Submit an Employer Payment Summary (EPS) at the end of the tax month to notify HMRC of any SMP you reclaim.

Steps to duplicate
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