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Customers and suppliers file format

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How to format the customer or suppliers file ready for import in Sage Accounting.


Prepare the customers or suppliers file

Column HeadingTypeCompulsoryNotes
AReferenceTextYesMaximum 10 characters and must be unique to this record.
BCompany NameTextYes

You only need this for contacts using a different currency. If your business is in the UK, just add a code for folks outside the UK.

Go to the Settings and choose to enable foreign currency transactions in the UK.

Enter the 3-letter code for the currency. For example

  • For Euros use EUR

  • For pound sterling use GBP

DCredit LimitNumberNo
EMain Address TypeTextNoTo use the default of Delivery, leave this blank. Alternatively, enter one of the following:

* Delivery
* Accounts
* Sales
* Purchasing
FMain Address Line 1TextNo
GMain Address Line 2TextNo
HMain Address TownTextNo
IMain Address CountyTextNo
JMain Address Post CodeTextNoMaximum 10 characters.
KMain Address CountryTextNo

Maximum 2 characters.

Use the 2 letters for your country. For example, GB for the UK or IE for Ireland.

LMain Contact NameTextYesEnter the name of the contact at this company. Alternatively, to use the default of Main Contact, leave this blank.
MMain Contact PhoneNumberNoMaximum 50 characters.
OMain Contact MobileNumberNoMaximum 50 characters.
PMain Contact EmailTextNoThis must be a valid email address, for example, [email protected].
QMain Contact FaxNumberNoMaximum 50 characters.
RAddress 2 TypeTextNoTo use the default of Delivery, leave this blank. Alternatively, enter one of the following:

* Delivery
* Accounts
* Sales
* Purchasing
SAddress 2 Line 1TextNo
TAddress 2 Line 2TextNo
UAddress 2 TownTextNo
VAddress 2 CountyTextNo
WAddress 2 Post CodeTextNoMaximum 10 characters.
XAddress 2 CountryTextNo

Maximum 2 characters.

Use the 2 letters for your country. For example, GB for the UK or IE for Ireland. For

YVAT NumberTextNo

This must be a valid VAT number for the country of the contact.

For example, for the UK, this is 9 numbers.

To check the VAT numbers for other countries, use our article about VAT numbers.

ZLedger AccountNumberNo

This is the same as a Category in Start.

To use the default category, leave this blank.

  • For customers, the default sales category is 4900

  • For suppliers, the default purchase category is 5000

AAPayment termsNumberNoThe number of credit days this contact has. To use the default payment terms, leave this blank.
ABNotesTextNoMaximum 500 characters.
ACBank Account NameTextNo
ADBank Account Sort CodeNumberNoThis must be a valid sort code, for example, 11-22-33.
AEBank Account NumberNumberNoMaximum 25 characters.
AFBank Account IBANNumberNo
AGBank Account BICNumberNoMaximum 11 characters.
AHStatement RunTextNo

 NOTE: Customers only. You can only set a statement run to email if you've entered a contact email in column P for the customer's row.

Leave blank to use the default method selected in the Statement settings.

To send by post, enter Post.

To send by email, enter Email.


To mark the customer as Active, leave this blank.

To mark the customer as Inactive, enter No.