Access to already submitted ideas or to create one yourself can be found here. You can access current reports created from submitted ideas from the table below which have been arranged by module. Click on the module name to show the reports created which include a link to the original idea, a pdf preview of what the report looks like and the report download.
NOTE: The report you're looking for isn't here?
Take a look at the Report Library for a set of generic additional reports that can be used within the program. If you need a report unique to your business then customers can book an appointment with 1 of our report design colleagues to discuss their requirements. Follow the process here to book an appointment.
To download and add a report to Sage 200
- Locate your report in the list and click Download.
- When prompted, enter your login details.
- Make a note of the filename, for example: Idea 1370 - Stock Profit Report By Customer (Summary).report
- Click Download.
- In the Save As window, browse to and select the required destination, for example, Windows desktop then click Save.
You've now downloaded the report, you then need to add the report to Sage 200, if you already know how to do this, great, if you need some guidance, refer to the this article.
If you're using Sage 200 Standard or Education please refer to your program help guide for help adding it to your menu.