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Set up Sage HR Online Services - Sign in to your Online Services

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The first step in setting up your company in Sage 50 Payroll, for Sage HR Online Services.


When you set up Sage HR Online Services, you must sign into your Online Services using your Sage account (formerly Sage ID).

Below we have the steps on how to do this if you already have a Sage account, and what to do if you don't already have a Sage account.


I don't have a Sage account >


  1. Log in to Sage 50 Payroll, click Company.
  2. In the Task menu, click Online Services Settings.
  3. Next to Step 1 within Online Services Settings, click Do it now.


  4. Enter your email address and click Continue.

    TIP: We recommend this be an email address that your company can access long term. This is to avoid a scenario where someone leaves the business and no-one can access the email account that it was set up under. Only one person must use the main admin username to log in. If multiple people need admin access, you must complete setup then either give existing employees administrator access or create new administrator users as appropriate.

    CAUTION: You must make sure that this email address is not the same as one for an employee who will be listed in Payroll all employees must have their own unique email. If an employee record has the same email address as the main admin, when you first upload payslips to that email address, the admin profile and employee profile in Sage HR Online Services will merge.

  5. Enter your name and a password, then click Create account.
    • An email is sent to verify your email address and includes a six number verification code
  6. From the email, copy and paste in the code, then click Continue.

Your Sage account is activated and currently logged in. A prompt appears to set up 2-factor authentication. Once you complete this, you can continue to register your company for Online Services.

Next step

Continue to register your company for Online Services.


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