How to resolve this message when uploading your data for Remote Data Access (RDA) in Sage 50 Accounts.
When activating Remote Data Access, the following message appears:
'There has been a problem uploading company data for Remote Data Access, or the upload of data was cancelled.'
This error occurs if the total file size uploaded to RDA exceeds 4000MB, or the company name contains special characters, for example é, Ä, Î, Ç.
Follow the below steps reuploading after each to resolve this error:
▼ Rebuild the deleted record files
CAUTION: Don't follow these steps if Lockstep or Invoice Payments are enabled.
- Take a backup of your data.
- Click File, Maintenance then Rebuild.
- Untick Keep my Deletion Log and click OK.
- Click Yes then OK.
▼ Reindex and compress your data - Go to File then Maintenance.
- Select Reindex, Select All then OK.
- Select Yes, then Compress now, then Compress.
- Select OK, then Close, then Close again.
Now try switching on RDA in your company. If the error still appears, proceed to the following sections.
▼ Rebuild Invoice Payments
CAUTION: Follow these steps even if you don't use Invoice Payments.
An issue with Invoice payments can cause this error if old transaction data isn't cleared.
NOTE: To check if you use Invoice payments, click Help and About. Under Features Enabled that Invoice Payments displays Yes.
The steps to resolve this issue differ depending on your version of Sage 50 Accounts.
Sage 50 Accounts v30.1 or above
- Back up your data, then disconnect Invoice Payments.
If you don't used Invoice Payments, continue to step 2.
- Go to File, then Maintenance, then select Rebuild.
- Clear the Invoice Payments checkboxes.

- Select OK then Yes.
- Select OK then Close.
- Select Connected Services then Disconnect Sage account.
- Select Disconnect Sage account, then Disconnect then OK.
CAUTION: This will disconnect any other active connected services shown, for example Bank Feeds, Remote Data Access or Sage Connect.
Sage 50 Accounts v30.0 or below
- Back up your data, then disconnect Invoice Payments.
- Go to Help then click About.
- Select the Settings folder.
- Open the SAGE.INI file with notepad, then under [SG50] add the line, RemoveinvoicepaymentID=1

- Go to File then select Save.
- Go to File then select Close.
- Close and reopen Sage 50 Accounts.
- Click File then click Maintenance and click Rebuild.
- Clear the Invoice Payments checkboxes:

- Select the Remove IP IDs button.
- Select OK then Yes.
- Select OK then Close.
▼ Check transaction attachment sizes
We recommend removing any large attached files that are increasing the upload size.
- Press the Windows key + E, browse to the data path you noted above.
- Right-click the Transaction Attachments folder and click Properties.

If the Size exceeds 1000MB, we would recommend removing some of the attachments to reduce this.
- Review the contents of this folder to locate any attachments you want to remove.
- Note of the transaction number you want to remove, then in Sage 50 Accounts, delete the transaction attachments you noted.
▼ 403: Forbidden This relates to Internet security issues and you can fix this by resetting Internet Security and Internet Explorer settings.
- In the Windows search box type Control Panel, then select Control Panel.
- Select Internet Options, then Advanced then select Restore advanced settings.
- Select Reset, then Reset again.
- Back in Internet properties go to the Security tab.
- Select Reset all zones to default level, then select Apply.
- Under 'Select a zone to view or change security settings', select Trusted sites.
- Select Sites then add the following URLs using the Add option.
- Select Close then OK.
▼ Disable Internet Protocol version 6 (IPV6) NOTE: Sage 50 Accounts uses IPV4 to communicate with the data services. You can disable IPV6 by following the steps below.
- Open the Control Panel.
- Go to Network and Internet then select Network and Sharing Centre.
- Select Change adapter settings.
- Right-click your connection then select Properties.

- Clear the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) checkbox.
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