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Error 'Unleash cloud power in your payroll' - Online Services

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What to do if you encounter this error in Sage 50 Payroll when trying to access Sage HR Online Services or Online Bureau.


When you try to upload your Online Payslips to Online Bureau or Sage HR Online Services or access the Online Services/Documents Settings in your program, you may receive the following message:

Unleash cloud power in your payroll


This can happen if you either don't have a subscription to the Online Services, or if you're using an expired serial number in your program. 

 NOTE: Customer accounts get access to Sage HR Online Services free of charge as part of your normal payroll subscription. If you're an Accountant, you should ensure you have a valid subscription to Online Bureau. 


To resolve this, you should check and update your activation details within your software. 

Repair your data

In some cases, repairing your company database can resolve this issue. To find out how to do this, follow the steps in our look after your data guide. If the issue still occurs after this, continue to the check your latest activation details section below.

Check your latest activation details

Check what your latest serial number and activation key are.

You can do this by logging into your MySage account. Find your Sage serial number, activation key and account number >

Update your software

There are two ways you can update your activation details within Sage 50 Payroll:

Upgrade your details

From within Sage 50 Payroll:

  1. Click Tools, then Upgrade Program.
  2. Check and Amend your serial number and activation key if required.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Click OK
    TIP: Depending on your licence, Payroll may then need to update some reports. This should only take a couple of minutes.
  5. Close Sage 50 Payroll, then re-open it.
    TIP: This ensures Sage 50 Payroll refreshes and allows you to access the latest features. 

You can then use the Online Services again. 

Return to active setup

  1. Click Help, then About.
  2. Under Data Directory, make a note of the path to your data.
  3. Close Sage 50 Payroll. 
  4. Open File Explorer, then browse to C:\ProgramData\Sage\Payroll
  5. Right click the pay.usr file, click Rename.
  6. Change the name from pay.usr to pay.old.
  7. Click Enter to save the new name.
  8. Browse to C:\ProgramData\Sage\
     NOTE: If this folder appears to be missing, it may currently be hidden. Find out how to show hidden files. 
  9. Right click the SDK License file, click Rename.
  10. Change the name to SDK License.Old.
  11. Click Enter to save the change.
  12. Open Sage 50 Payroll.
  13. Enter your Account Number, Serial Number and Activation Key, then click Next.
  14. Click 'Select an existing set of Windows data', then click Next.
  15. Browse to the path noted in Step 2.
  16. Click Next, then Finish

    TIP: If you have multiple companies, the others should be re-added to your Company list automatically.

You can then log into your Payroll and use the Online Services again. 

NOTE: If you still encounter problems, please contact Sage 50 Payroll technical support