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Open Banking - Check the status of your bank feed

Created on  | Last modified on 


Check whether your bank have a direct feed.


Open Banking (PSD2) is a new secure way for you to share financial information from your bank with companies like Sage that offer banking and payment apps and is designed to give you greater control over your financial data.

These changes come into effect on 5 March 2020 and to comply with the new standards, connections between some banks and Sage will change.

Most bank feeds that don't already use Open Banking will be updated in the coming weeks after 5 March 2020.

There are a small number of banks and financial institutions that won’t have Open Banking connections ready in time for the change.

Use the table below for up-to-date information about the status of your bank feeds.

We have two types of bank feeds, Direct and Indirect.

  • Direct bank feeds are where we have an agreement with your bank or financial institution
  • For other banks we connect using a secure third party provider, approved by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

If you’re not sure which type of feed you have, find out how to identify your bank feed type.

The information provided in this table is accurate to the best of Sage's knowledge at 14 May 2020.


Financial institution Feed type When is this happening? What do I need to do?
Adam & Company (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Aldermore Business Bank (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Aldermore Savings (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Allied Irish Bank (Republic of Ireland) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Allied Irish Business Bank (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Amazon Credit Card (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
American Express Cards (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
American Express Membership Rewards (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Ample Interactive Investor (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Aqua card (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
ASDA - Credit Cards (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Bank of Ireland (Republic of Ireland) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Bank of Ireland (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business Online accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Bank of Scotland (UK) Direct:
Business Current Accounts (GBP)
Live No action required, you're good to go.
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Barclaycard (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Barclays (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Wealth Management accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
BM Savings (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Cahoot (UK) Indirect Live Cahoot is a subsidiary to Santander, please connect to Santander.
Loans accounts
Not part of PSD2 scope No action required, you're good to go.
Capital One (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
CashPlus (UK) Direct:
Business Current Accounts (GBP)
Live No action required, you're good to go.
  Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Cater Allen Business Banking (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Cater Allen Personal Banking (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Charities Aid Foundation (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Chelsea Building Society (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Citibank (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Clydesdale Bank (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Clydesdale Business Online (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Coutts (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Coventry Building Society (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Cumberland Building Society (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Danske Bank (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
First Direct (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Not part of PSD2 scope No action required, you're good to go.
First Trust Bank (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Halifax Online (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Mortgage accounts
Not part of PSD2 scope No action required, you're good to go.
Handelsbanken (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Hargreaves Lansdown (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
HSBC Bank (UK) Direct:
Business Current Accounts (GBP)
Savings Accounts (GBP)
Foreign Currency Accounts
Live No action required, you're good to go.
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Business (MiVision)
Live No action required, you're good to go.
Mortgage accounts
Not part of PSD2 scope No action required, you're good to go.
ICICI Bank (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Intelligent Finance (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Investec - Private Banking (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
John Lewis (partnership) (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Kent Reliance Building Society (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Leeds Building Society (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Lloyds (UK) Direct:
Business Current Accounts (GBP)
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Marbles (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Marks and Spencer (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
MBNA (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
MBNA (UK) Indirect Live Update to new feed when available.
Metro Bank Business Corporate (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Metro Bank Retail (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Mint (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Monzo (UK) Indirect Live This is a new feed so you can use it straight away.
My Argos Card (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
N26 (UK) Indirect Live This is a new feed so you can use it straight away.
Nationwide Building Society (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
NatWest Bank (UK) Direct:
Business Current Accounts (GBP)
Live No action required, you're good to go.
  Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Next Store Card (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Norwich and Peterborough Building Society (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
NS&I (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Opus Card (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
PayPal (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Post Office (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Post Office Credit Card (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Revolut (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live This is a new feed so you can use it straight away.
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK) Direct:
Business Current Accounts (GBP)
Live No action required, you're good to go.
  Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Saffron Building Society (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Sage Pay (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Sainsbury's Bank (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Santander (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Corporate accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Smile Digital Banking (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
St James's Place Bank (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Starling (UK) Indirect Live This is a new feed so you can use it straight away.
Tesco Bank (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
The Co-operative Bank (new) (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Loans accounts
Not part of PSD2 scope No action required, you're good to go.
The Co-operative Bank Business Banking (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
The One Account (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Think Money (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Tide (UK) Direct Deprecated Disconnect and reconnect to Tide indirect. Find out more
  Indirect Live This is a new feed so you can use it straight away.
TSB (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Ulster Bank (Republic of Ireland) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Ulster Bank (UK) Indirect:
Personal accounts
Business accounts
Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Unity Trust Bank (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Vanquis Bank (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Virgin - Credit Cards (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Virgin Money (Northern Rock) (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Virgin Money (UK) Indirect Live Update to a new feed now. Find out more
Yorkshire Bank (UK) Indirect Estimated March 2020 Update to new feed when available.
Yorkshire Bank Offshore Business (UK) Indirect Unknown You will need to manually import statements from 5 March 2020. Find out more
Yorkshire Building Society (UK) Indirect Live Update to new feed when available.
What if my bank isn't listed in this table?

If your bank isn't listed in the table, then your bank feed isn't PSD2 compliant. You'll need to need to manually import transactions from your bank statement from 5 March 2020.

Find out more >

 TIP: If you need assistance with a bank feed issue, please gather the information outlined in this article before contacting our Technical Support team.