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Set up Bank feeds in Sage 50 Accounts v26 and below

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Learn how to set up Bank feeds in Sage 50 Accounts v26 and below.


You can use Bank feeds and Bank Feeds Rules to download your bank account transactions and post them automatically in Sage 50 Accounts. This reduces the time you spend entering transactions, simplifies your bank reconciliation and ensures your accounts are up to date and accurate.

We recommend you install the latest version of Sage 50 Accounts before setting up Bank feeds. 

NOTE: If you're using Sage 50 Accounts v27 or above, please refer to our guide to setting up Bank feeds in the latest version.



To ensure your bank feeds are Open Banking compliant, Check your bank is supported for Bank feeds >

Set up Bank feeds

If you share your data using Sage Drive, you must be working at the main site to set up Bank Feeds. In Sage 50 Accounts v26.3 and above you can use Bank feeds at remote sites to match and reconcile transactions.

  1. Log into Sage 50 Accounts as manager or as a user with full access to Bank feeds.
  2. Click Bank accounts, click the relevant bank record then click Bank feeds.
  3. If your screen doesn't match one of the images below, you must install Sage 50 Accounts v27 then follow the guide to setting up Bank feeds in the latest version.



  4. If the Choose bank window appears, proceed to step 8.
  5. On the Welcome window, enter and confirm your email address.
  6. Click the Terms and Conditions check box then click Get Started.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the security check.
  8. On the choose bank window, from the list of banks select the required bank.

    To search for a bank, click Other Banks, enter your search and select the required bank.

  9. Click Next, then to authorise your bank to disclose information to Sage, follow the on-screen instructions.

    The authorisation process differs from one bank to another. For those banks which require a physical authorisation form to be sent, authorisation can take up to ten working days.

  10. Once complete, click Process then click Finish.

Next steps

Once set up, you're ready to start using Bank feeds and setting up Bank Feeds Rules.

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