You can Set up the nominal link to post to Sage 50 Accounts or Set up the nominal link to post to Sage 200 software. Instead of calculating your journals and posting them manually, you can use the nominal link wizard to post your journals automatically.
If you don't use Sage or TAS accounts software, you can Set up and post the nominal link to file, e.g. as a CSV file or a PDF file, so the journals are calculated, and ready for you to enter into your accounts software.
You can only post the nominal link for one payment frequency at a time. For example, you can't post a mixture of weekly and monthly employees at the same time.
The employees you select on your employee list before posting the nominal link are included in the posting. If any employees aren't selected, they aren't posted into Accounts.
If you process any leavers and need to post them using nominal links, check your criteria settings.
- Click the Criteria button above your employee list.
- Clear the Current Year Leavers checkbox.
NOTE: If the leave date is in a prior tax year, clear the Historical Leavers checkbox.
- Click OK, then follow the steps below to post the nominal link.
If you prefer to keep leavers hidden, you can hide them again after you post nominal link.
Post the nominal link
- Ensure you've updated the records for the pay period you're posting and, if you're posting directly to your accounts software, ensure you take a backup of your data.
- From the Employee List, select the required employees.
NOTE: You can only post the nominal link for one payment frequency at a time. E.g. You can't post a mixture of weekly and monthly paid employees at the same time.
- Click Payroll, click Nominal Link, then click Next.
- Select the relevant period, then click Next.
- Check, and where necessary, change the information as follows:
Posting Destination This box shows the accounts software you've selected in Company > Nominal Settings. Transaction Reference Enter your own reference of up to eight characters, for example, Wages M4. Transaction Date Enter the date you want to post the transactions with. To change the date use the calendar button.
Group Transactions To post the transactions totalling all employees, select this check box. To post separate transactions for each employee and have the information shown by employee on the Nominal Link Transaction Report, clear this check box. - Click Next, click Print, then click OK.
- To send details of the transactions to Microsoft Excel, click Send to Excel.
- Click File, then click Exit.
- If you've set up the nominal code for bank payments, click Next. Alternatively, proceed to step 13.
- Check, and where necessary, change the following information:
Transaction Reference Enter a reference for the bank payment posting. This reference becomes the transaction reference in your accounts software. Transaction Date Enter the date you want to post the bank payment transaction. To change the date use the calendar button. - Click Next, click Print, click OK, then click Finish.
- The final steps you need to follow depend on where you're posting to:
- If you're posting to Sage Accounts, or Sage 200, enter your accounts software user name and password. Click OK, then click OK
NOTE: If you have a multi-company version of Sage Accounts, choose the required company, enter your password, click OK then click OK.
- If you're posting to TAS Accounts, enter your TAS software username and password, click OK then click OK
- If you're posting to file, browse to the required location, enter a file name, choose the required file type, click Save then click OK
- If you're posting to Sage Accounts, or Sage 200, enter your accounts software user name and password. Click OK, then click OK