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Employment Allowance

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Information on Employment Allowance in Sage 50 Payroll and how it can benefit your business.


What is Employment Allowance?

It's an employer benefit that reduces your employer's National Insurance liability. In the 2024/25 tax year it's up to £5,000.

Each time you run your payroll you pay less employers’ Class 1 National Insurance. This continues until you've used the full allowance for the tax year, or until the tax year ends, whichever is sooner.

 CAUTION: If you claim Employment Allowance you must apply again at the start of each tax year. It doesn't carry over between tax years automatically. 

2025/2026 tax year

Employment Allowance increases to £10,500 per year from 6 April 2025. To find out more about legislation for the new tax year, visit the payroll legislation for the 2025/2026 tax year article.

Check you're eligible

If you're not sure whether your business is eligible, you can check using HMRC's guidance.

Check HMRC guidance now

NOTE: HMRC no longer sends a confirmation letter for your Employment Allowance. If they reject your claim, you'll receive an automated message from HMRC within 5 working days.  

Claim the allowance in your software

It's easy to apply for and claim this allowance in your software. Find out more on claiming Employment Allowance.

Is this the same as small employers' relief?

No, this benefit is different to small employers' relief (SER), you could be eligible to claim this too. Use our what is Small Employers' Relief article if you'd like to find out more and check if you're eligible.

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