Before you start
If you're performing the installation for the first time, you can move to Download your software otherwise if you're updating a current installation you need to go through each section.
- Pick a workstation to install the update from
- Create a shared folder on your server and map a network drive
NOTE: All computers you want to use Sage Accounts Production Advanced, must have the same network drive. If you need any help with this, speak to your IT support.
If you're upgrading from an earlier version, you also need to check where your data is held on the server.
- Open Sage Accounts Production Advanced on the workstation you're to perform the installation from.
- Click Settings, then click System Setup.
- On the Folders tab, take a note of the Base Folder. You need this during the installation.
- Close System Setup.
We also recommend you rebuild your data to maintain its integrity.
- Ensure all other users are logged out of Sage Accounts Production Advanced.
- Back up your data.
- Click Tools then click CDB Rebuild and click Rebuild CDB.
Check your current version
If you're upgrading from an earlier version, you'll need to update in stages. To check this:
- On the menu bar, click Help then click About.
- In the General tab, and check the version number.
Install your software
Click Start to begin the interactive installation guide.
- Click Install
- The other options provide links to support material
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- Tick the box to accept the licence agreement
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- Once you have accepted the licence agreement, click Next
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- Tick the box to acknowledge that you have read the important notice
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- Once you have acknowledged the important notice, click Next
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- Select the Fileserver installation type, then click Next
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- To review your advanced options, select both check boxes before you click Next
- Ticking Installation folders and desktop shortcuts will allow you to review and change the installation paths
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- It is recommended that you tick both options on this screen before clicking Next
- Select your country settings and enter a customisation code if you have one
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- The default installation paths are set to the C drive, you may need to change this
- Click Browse next the Base Folder
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- Select the correct drive letter from the drop down list
- Ensure the correct base folder is contained in the field at the top
- Ensure that Derive all folders from base folder is ticked
NOTE:If you can't select a mapped drive from the drop down list, you will need to turn User Account Controls (UAC) off and start again. Backnull;null;wiz12,wiz13 Nextnull;null;wiz14,wiz13
- You can review the settings you will be using in the installation, then click Back to change any of your previous choices, or click Next
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- Select which formats you wish to install
- If you have a customisation code, enter it into the field
TIP:You will only have a customisation code if you have your own customisations built into Sage Accounts Production Advanced by us. - When Overwrite account titles is available, ticking this option will update the chart of accounts in each client with any changes made by us
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NOTE:If you're upgrading from an earlier version you need to repeat the steps in this section until your software is up to date.
You're now ready to install Sage Accounts Production Advanced on each workstation.
Restartnull;null;wiz1,wiz17 Install on a workstation
Click Start to begin the interactive installation guide.
Never install a new workstation or workstation update from the hc\workstation\setup.exe file. You must use the download for a workstation install.
- Click Install
- The other options provide links to support material
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- Read and accept the software licence agreement
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- Read and acknowledge the important notice
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- Select the Workstation installation type, then click Next
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- You need to choose the server base folder, the location where the you have installed the fileserver
- On workstations you've installed before, the server base folder will be populated automatically
- Click Next
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- Choose your installation folders.
You can use the default location or to choose a new one click Browse - Select the check box to create a desktop shortcut, then click Next
- Click Next
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NOTE:If you're upgrading from an earlier version you need to repeat the steps in this section until your software is up to date.