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How to complete a financial year end

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How to run a year end in Sage 50 Accounts.




Before You Start

  1. Prepare for year end.
  2. Once ready, proceed to Run the ear end.

Run the Year End

 TIP:  Run this process on the computer holding your accounts data.   

  1. Click Tools, go to Period End, and click Year End.
  2. Click Check Data.
  3. Click Check COA, then click OK.
  4. Click Backup, check the filename and location, click OK then OK again.
  5. Select the Archive Location checkbox to archive your company data.
  6. Confirm details in the Archive Company window, then click OK.
  7. Select the Budget Options checkbox, set up budgets for the new year, then click OK.
  8. Check the closing year date and enter a lock date to prevent postings before a specific date.
  9. Click Run Year End, then click Yes and OK.
  10. Select how to output the report, click OK.
  11. You'll see a message confirming the year end process is complete. Click OK to close.

   CAUTION: The year end procedure can take some time. If the software freezes, don't close it, the process may still be running. 

After Running Year End

Perform three checks to ensure your data is ready for the new financial year:

▼ Check the Financial Year Start Date
  1. Click Settings on the menu bar, then Financial Year.
  2. Verify the date. If incorrect, reverse the year end process you just ran to correct it before continuing.
▼ Check the brought forward Trial Balance

The year end process clears profit and loss nominal codes, 4000 to 9999 by default. It then moves the balance to the retained profit balance sheet code, 3200 by default.

  1. Click Nominal Codes, then select Trial Balance.
  2. Click Preview, Run, and select Brought Forward from the Period drop-down list.
  3. Click OK and ensure there are no balances on profit and loss nominal codes.
  4. If balances exist, restore your pre-year end backup, correct any Chart of Accounts (COA) errors, and re-run the year end.
▼ Check Your Data
  1. Click File on the menu bar, then Maintenance, then click Check Data.
  2. If there are no problems to report, a message appears. Click OK.
  3. If the check finds errors, the year end process has failed. Restore the backup taken before running the year end and re-run it.


You’ve completed your year end and are ready to start the new financial year.