The screenshot above shows sales invoice (SI) number 61626 for 258.15. On viewing the allocations, you can see 251.69 of this was paid by sales receipt (SR) number 69483. The remaining 6.46 was paid by a transaction that no longer exists within the program. This could have been any of the following transaction types:
- SR - Sales receipt
- SA - Sales payment on account
- SC - Sales credit
- SD - Sales discount
This can cause a difference when reconciling the Aged Debtors or Creditors Report with the Trial Balance, as a transaction which shows Link Removed is no longer outstanding, so will not affect the Aged Debtors or Aged Creditors reports, but the value of the transaction no longer exists on the nominal ledger.
Run the Aged Reconciliation - Link Removed reports. These reports show all transactions marked as Link Removed.
- Download and restore the following additional reports backup:
Sage Accounts v21 and above - Additional Reports Backup - Run the relevant linked removed reports after restoring :
Module Location Report Customers Customers > Reports > AGED RECONCILIATION REPORTS - Aged Reconciliation - Linked Removed - SI
- Aged Reconciliation - Linked Removed - SR-SC-SA-SD
Suppliers Suppliers > Reports > AGED RECONCILIATION REPORTS - Aged Reconciliation - Linked Removed - PI
- Aged Reconciliation - Linked Removed - PP-PC-PA-PD
Correcting aged balance differences caused by link removed transactions
A sales receipt transaction for 6.46 has been removed by clicking Fix in the File Maintenance Problems Report window. This was allocated to a sales invoice which is now showing as fully paid.
The figure on the Trial Balance report will include the remaining sales invoice. The Aged Debtors Analysis report will not include the sales receipt as it has been removed. Nor will it include the sales invoice because it is no longer outstanding. This is why there is a difference in this example. As a sales receipt has been removed, the bank balance is also incorrect.
To correct the difference
As the invoice is not outstanding, it cannot be paid again with a new sales receipt. In the above example, to correct the difference, we would need to post the effect of the Sales Receipt back to the Nominal ledger to correct the nominal balance on the Trial Balance.
- The receipt credited the Debtors Control Account and debited the Bank.
- To post the effect of this, you need to post a journal(s) for the value of the link removed transaction(s).
- Click Nominal codes then click Journal entry.
- Enter the journal entry as required, for example:
N/C Name Details T/C Debit Credit 1100 Debtors Control Account Link Removed Correction T9 6.46 1200 Bank Account Link Removed Correction T9 6.46
NOTE: Before posting a journal to correct a Link Removed payment or receipt transaction, you must reconcile the bank to ensure the bank is also out by the value to be posted. If the bank is correct, the transaction that was removed was not a payment or receipt.
Correcting different transaction types
The journals required to correct the situation depend on what type of transaction has been removed and the effect it would have had on the Nominal ledger.
Report | Report name | Transaction on Link Removed Report | Missing transaction is - | Correction |
Aged Reconciliation - Link Removed - SI | | SI | SC or SR |
Aged Reconciliation - Link Removed - PI | | PI | PC or PP |
Aged Reconciliation - Link Removed - SR-SC-SA-SD | | SC / SR / SD / SA | SI | JD 1100 Debtors JC 9996 Adjustments |
Aged Reconciliation - Link Removed - PP-PC-PA -PD | | PC / PP / PD / PA | PI | JC 2100 Creditors JD 9996 Adjustments |
NOTE: If the values are negative, the opposite transactions should be posted. When correcting Link Removed transactions, the same date as the original link removed transaction should be used.
If more than one transaction type is involved
In reality, it is unlikely to be as simple as the above examples as there may have been a large number of transactions deleted. These may have been a combination of different transaction types, for example sales receipts, sales credits, sales invoices.
If you know exactly which transactions have been removed, follow the process above to correct each transaction type. If you cannot establish which transactions have been removed or there are too many to correct, a journal entry can be posted to move the discrepancies to an overhead nominal account.
For example, if the Debtors Control Account is imbalanced by £1000 as a debit, the following journal entry can be posted to move this imbalance to a separate nominal code:
N/C | Name | Details | T/C | Debit | Credit |
1100 | Debtors Control Account | Link Removed Correction | T9 | 1000.00 | |
9996 | Adjustments | Link Removed Correction | T9 | 1000.00 |
The nominal code 9996 is given as an example only, the nominal code should be one held in the Overheads section of the Chart of Accounts.
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