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How do I use Data management?

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How to use the new Data management feature in Sage 50 Accounts v28.1 and above.


Data management is a new feature designed to make your daily processing as efficient as possible. It notifies you when your data volumes are approaching recommended levels and helps you remove customer and supplier records, audit trail transactions and customer invoices that you no longer need to view regularly. It's easy to use, so let's take a look.


View Data management

When Data management is enabled it monitors the number of records you have, and when it approaches the recommendations, you see a notification in the top-right of your software window.


If you see this notification:

  1. Ensure you're logged into your company as either manager, an administrator user, or a user with full access.
  2. Ask other users to log out of the company.
  3. Click the View Data management link in the top-right corner of your software.

    TIP: You can also access Data management within Tools, Period End, Data Management. 

  4. In the Welcome to Data management window, click Continue.

The Backup and archive window appears. For help with this, refer to the following section.

Backup and archive

Before you remove any records, it's important to ensure you have copies of your data for future reference and compliance. If you haven't already taken a backup today, you must back up before you can continue. We also recommend you create an archive which you can then access to view data and run reports at any time.

  1. In the Backup and archive window, click Backup.
  2. Check the file name and location and amend if required, then click OK.
  3. Once the backup is complete, click Archive.
  4. Check the Description and amend if required, then click OK.
  5. Now you've taken copies of your data, click Continue.

The Data review window appears. For help with this, refer to the following section.

Review your data

The Review your data window shows your current number of transactions, invoices, customer records and supplier records compared to the recommendations:

Image  Your number of records is below the recommendation. 

Image   Your number of records is approaching the recommendation.

Image   Your number of records exceeds the recommendation.


For help with removing records, select each option below: 

When you've finished reviewing your data, to close Data management click Close.

 TIP: removing invoices may take some time so we recommend these should be done in small batches.