This communication was sent 9th January 2025. Notice 25-QF | 09 Jan 2025 We’re writing to you as we’ve identified that you only have a single user on your site with Customer Administrator and/or Customer Operations Agent permissions. You can find out about the role types in our dedicated Sage Knowledgebase article. We strongly recommend that there are at least two people within your organisation that are of these customer role types. Without this, you may experience difficulty in performing certain tasks should the people who have these role types be absent from your business; such tasks include the adding and removing of users. It’s really easy to add users or change the roles of other people who already have access but perhaps are only set to a level such as Customer User. You can find full details on how to add and/or update users in our Sage Knowledgebase article. Questions? Please speak to your Sage 200 support provider if you need any further assistance. |