Take ownership of your clients subscription

Request an invitation from your client

  1. From Operations drop down, select Invitations.
  2. From Subscription transfers, select Find out how to request a transfer.
     NOTE: A Help panel will open with instructions on how to request access to your clients products.
  3.  Copy the accountant ID and send this to your client. 

How your client transfers ownership of subscription

  1. Select Manage Business Account from dropdown menu.
  2. Select Subscriptions.
  3. Choose Transfer Subscriptions.
  4. From the sidebar that opens select Transfer Subscriptions.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. Enter Accountant ID and Continue.
  7. The Practice name will be displayed, if correct select Continue.
  8. Review the terms and conditions and select the box next to I understand the consequences.
  9. Select Send the transfer request.

The request will be sent to you. Your client can continue working as normal. 

Find out how to Receive subscription transfer requests here>


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