Add a new bank account

 NOTE: You can only set up multiple bank accounts using Accounting Individual Paid.  


Add a new bank account

  1. From Banking, select Add account.
  2. Select the Account type you want to create. You can choose Cash, Bank account, or Credit card.
  3. Enter the Account name and Additional information, for example your account number and sort code.
    If you’re creating a cash account, you can only enter an account name.
  4. To save the new account without connecting to a bank feed, select Save. If you’re creating a bank or credit card account, you can connect your bank feed later from the Banking screen.
  5. To save the new account and connect to a bank feed straight away, select Save and connect to bank. Follow the steps in our guide Connect a bank feed, to find out how to do this.
Add a new bank account

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