This method calculates the director’s NI liability on a weekly or monthly basis in each pay run. It does this using weekly or monthly earnings thresholds.
The director’s NI contributions calculate in the same way as a standard employee until the end of the tax year. At the end of the tax year, the final pay run includes a recalculation. The system bases the recalculation on their cumulative earnings for the year. Their NI may be higher or lower in that period as a result.
NOTE: When Directorships start part-way through the tax year, the cumulative method applies. It applies until the end of the tax year, even if you choose the per-pay run method for the director.
In this situation, the system uses the per pay run calculation method from the beginning of the next tax year.
This method gives an average NI liability, rather than the director’s exact NI liability for the year. A balancing calculation takes place at an appropriate time.
This calculation compares year-to-date earnings to the annual or pro-rata annual NI thresholds.
It makes any necessary adjustments to the director’s NI liability.
Generally, the balancing calculation occurs in one of the following circumstances:
- The final pay run of the tax year, which may be an extra pay run. This occurs even if you process holidays at year end.
- The director’s circumstances change. For example, if their NI category changes.
You need to recalculate the previous pay run using the cumulative calculation method.
Select the director in the Edit Pay stage of a pay run. Select Calculate NI Cumulatively from the Preferred calc method drop-down.
- After you pay a bonus. If the bonus is large enough it might otherwise mean an excessive NI correction at the end of the year.
HMRC recommends changing to the cumulative calculation method in this scenario.
NOTE: The balancing calculation may occur part-way through the tax year. You need to calculate the director’s NI using the cumulative calculation method for the rest of the year.