National Insurance (NI) rates, bands and allowances

Once you select the correct NI category for your employees and set up your payments, Sage Payroll will calculate the NI for you. It will use all the correct rates and bands without you having to update anything yourself.


Earnings bands

There are currently five different thresholds for NI. The employee's earnings that are subject to NI fall into these bands.

▼Earnings bands explained
Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) Earnings below the LEL aren't subject to NI deductions.
Primary Threshold (PT) The point at which the employee starts to pay NI.
Secondary Threshold (ST) The point at which the employer starts to pay NI.
Upper Accrual Point (UAP) This relates to the Second State Pension (S2P). Recorded on reports for information purposes only.
Upper Earnings Limit (UEL) The point at which the employee starts to pay NI at a lower rate. Determined by their NI category.

▼Earnings band thresholds 2024/25 
  Weekly (£) Monthly (£) Yearly (£)
Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) 123.00 533.00 6,396.00
Primary Threshold (PT) 242.00 1,048.00 12,570.00
Secondary Threshold (ST) 175.00 758.00 9,100.00
Freeport/Investment Zone Upper Secondary Threshold (FUST) 481.00 2,083.00 25,000.00
Upper Earnings Limit (UEL) 967.00 4,189.00 50,270.00
Upper Secondary Threshold (UST) 967.00 4,189.00 50,270.00
Apprentice Upper Secondary Threshold (AUST) 967.00 4,189.00 50,270.00
Veterans Upper Secondary Threshold (VUST) 967.00 4,189.00 50,270.00
▼Earnings band thresholds 2025/26 
  Weekly (£) Monthly (£) Yearly (£)
Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) 125.00 542.00 6,500.00
Primary Threshold (PT) 242.00 1,048.00 12,570.00
Secondary Threshold (ST) 175.00 758.00 9,100.00
Freeport/Investment Zone Upper Secondary Threshold (FUST) 481.00 2,083.00 25,000.00
Upper Earnings Limit (UEL) 967.00 4,189.00 50,270.00
Upper Secondary Threshold (UST) 967.00 4,189.00 50,270.00
Apprentice Upper Secondary Threshold (AUST) 967.00 4,189.00 50,270.00
Veterans Upper Secondary Threshold (VUST) 967.00 4,189.00 50,270.00

NI category A rates

Once the employees earnings fall within the bands, a deduction amount(%) applies. This is determined by the category the employee is on, A is the standard category which the majority of employees will be on.

▼Category A rates
  Employee Rate (%) Employer Rate (%) Director rate (%)
LEL up to ST 0.00 0.00 0.0
ST to PT 0.00 13.80 0.0
PT to FUST 8.00 13.80 8.00
FUST to UEL/UST/AUST/VUST 8.00 13.80 8.00
Above UEL/UST/AUST/VUST 2.00 13.80 2.00


To view the rates of all categories, read Class 1 National Insurance rates for 2024/2025 tax year.

 NOTE: The Spring Budget 2024 announced that the Employee NI rate is changing to 8% from 10%. 


Directors NI calculates on yearly thresholds. For more information, read Directors National Insurance.

Steps to duplicate
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