How you deal with the RTI Pay ID will depend on the circumstances. Transferring from another payroll part-way through a tax year: - Enter the RTI pay ID when you set up the employee in Payroll.
Employee is a new starter: - Payroll assigns them an RTI Pay ID. It does this when you submit a full payment submission (FPS)
If you used HMRC Basic Tools look at the Payroll ID under Employee Details. Select Employment Details. The Payroll ID is your RTI Pay ID. NOTE: You may have no access to the previous payroll program or can't find the Payroll ID. Always Contact HMRC (opens in new tab). Ask what the Payroll ID / RTI Pay ID is for that specific employee. [BCB:299:UKI - Personal content block - Dane:ECB][BCB:304:UKI - Search override - Payroll UK:ECB] [BCB:276:UKI - hide back button:ECB]