My employee left the company but has now come back

An employee may leave the company and return to work for the company again at a later date.


Once an employee's record has a leave date added and the pay run completed, this can not be undone.

You must create a new employee record for them. Treat them like any other person who starts work at your company.

Email error

When saving the new employee record, you may see the following message:


This happens because the original employee record still contains the original email address.

It isn't possible to delete the original email address from the original employee record.

Follow one of the solutions below.

Change original email

  1. Select the Employees tab.
  2. If you can't see the original employee record, select the Filter option.
  3. Select the Include employees who have left option and select Apply.
  4. Select the employee from the list.
  5. Select Change email address.
  6. Enter the required email address but insert +1 before the @ character. For example, [email protected].
  7. Select Save changes and select OK.
  8. From the bottom of the screen, select Save.

Tweak the current email in the new record 

The major email suppliers (Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail) support this tweak.

Insert +1 before the @ in the employee email address.

For example:

[email protected] becomes [email protected].

The email address will work the same as the original.

The employee doesn't have to change anything within his email settings.


[BCB:299:UKI - Personal content block - Dane:ECB][BCB:304:UKI - Search override - Payroll UK:ECB][BCB:276:UKI - hide back button:ECB]

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