Pay run corrections

When you submit payroll details to HMRC, this confirms the amount paid to your employees that pay run. When you change a completed pay run, it can cause a correction on the active pay run.

Here we explain more about what creates these corrections and how to check that it is correct.


What creates a correction

You'll see a correction on your current pay run when you:

  • Change the amount paid to employee
  • Add an absence for a previous period
  • Add a pension with a staging date in a previous pay run

The change could result in a payment or a deduction on your current pay run. A payment means you increased your employee's pay. A deduction happens when you reduce an employee's pay.

Find the cause of a correction

We recommend that you keep saved copies of your reports to compare the employees’ net pay. It helps find the period that changed.

When you save a report, it doesn't update when changes happen to a pay run. As soon as you run the report again, it will show the updated amounts.

We recommend you export and save a copy of each report listed below when you complete each pay run:

  • Detailed report
  • Payslip summary
  • Employee net pay

How corrections affect the P32 report

The values on your P32 report complete when you send your Full Payment Submission (FPS) to HMRC.

If you correct a completed pay run, the corrections don't affect the P32 totals this period.

The changes will only affect the liability values for the next P32 period.

What to do if you see a correction

The steps you need to take depend on what your employee actually received.

Check your bank transactions. Confirm if you paid the corrected amount to the employee or whether you need to correct pay in this pay run.

There are no corrections showing, but an employee's pay is incorrect

If the values you've processed are not correct and need to change after you've completed a pay run, edit the previous pay run. This will result in a correction appearing in the current pay run.

Read more about how to edit a completed pay run.

Next steps

Once you have made the correction on your pay run, you may need to update other systems.

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