Employee with no national insurance (NI) number - NEST pensions

Employees get tax relief on their pension contributions. This can be one of two arrangements – net pay or relief at source. NEST pensions use a relief at source pay arrangement. This means Nest contributions are always deducted after tax.


If you have a UK worker without an NI number, Nest states you must deduct contributions before tax.

This article explains how to achieve this.


Before you process the pay run with the employee, you must set up a new group for your NEST pension scheme. Once you do receive an NI number for the employee, enter this into their employee record. From that point, process pension contributions as normal, which is after tax. Inform NEST of the circumstances.

Points to note

To correct an already processed pay run, you can delete the incorrect payment. Replace it with the new one, entering the correct amounts. For help with the correction, read our article Correcting mistakes.

Once you receive an NI number for the employee, you add it to the employee record.

Read our article Edit employee record (opens in new tab).

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Steps to duplicate
Related Solutions

Are you are trying to add an employee to payroll without an NI number, read our article National Insurance (NI)