Exemptions from Automatic EnrolmentIf your company only employs directors, you do not need to auto-enrol them into a pension scheme. This may be because: - There is only one director and your company has no other employees
- Your company has more than one director, but none of them are classed as a worker
Find out more about director exemptions from automatic enrolment (opens in a new tab) NOTE: You may receive a letter from The Pensions Regulator with your Auto-Enrolment date. If you're exempt, then you need to complete The Pension Regulator online form. Access the form here Tell us you're not an employer (opens in a new tab).
Process the exemption in Sage PayrollThere are 3 steps you need to follow to show your company is exempt from Auto-Enrolment: - Enter a staging date. You need to enter your staging date in Sage Payroll to start any Automatic Enrolment duties you may have. If you have a staging date from The Pensions Regulator, enter this. If not, enter a fictional staging date in the future. For help entering a staging date in Sage Payroll, read our Enter your staging date article.
- Set up a dummy pension scheme. You need to set up a pension scheme in Sage Payroll to complete any Automatic Enrolment duties you may have. If you are exempt from these duties, you can set up a pension scheme with fictional information. For help setting up a pension scheme in Sage Payroll, read our Add a Custom pension scheme article.
- Exclude your employees from automatic enrolment legislation. You can ensure Sage Payroll does not assess your employees for Auto-Enrolment. You specify this in their employee record. For help excluding employees, read our Exclude employees from automatic enrolment legislation article.
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