Run and analyse the Nominal Activity - Customisable report

When to run it

If an invoice contains multiple items with the same VAT rate, only one line shows in the table with the total VAT amount. You can edit the description before approving it.

The customisable Nominal Activity report opens when you select Nominal Activity - Customisable from the Reports page.

This report also opens to show account details when you drill down from the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and Trial Balance reports.

If you're not sure what the report is for, read more About the Nominal Activity report.

How the customisable nominal activity is different

Your new nominal activity:

  • Contain's three pre-configured views to give you three ways of viewing your Balance Sheet 
  • Allows selection of a new Date Range for each View. Visual descriptions clearly indicate the reporting period
  • Offers, various date range types and options to display totals for selected periods or as a single total

  • Lets you compare across periods or financial years and track the variance across periods

How to use the customisable report

Report on different periods or date ranges >

We've created three default views for the report, which cover the periods most businesses want to run the report for. Use the Period filter to set your own date range.

Use the Default Views at the top of the report:
  • Current month - Displays month-to-date and year-to-date totals, debit and credit balances per category and account. It also shows opening and closing balances
  • Year to date - shows current financial year totals, debit and credit balances per category. It also shows opening and closing balances
  • Monthly summary - Shows the current year's monthly and year-to-date totals. It also shows actual monthly debit and credit balances per category and account. Also, it displays your opening and closing balances
Set your own date range, such as this quarter, last quarter or your own custom date range.
  1. Select the Edit icon next to Period on the Customise report panel.
  2. Choose a period or set your own custom one.
  3. Select Run Report.

Compare with previous periods or years >

Comparison columns offer insights into your business's performance versus previous periods, aiding effective change tracking.

Add a column with previous period or year figures. Include a difference column for percentage and/or amount changes to enhance decision-making insights.

  1. From the Customise report panel, select Columns.
  2. Select to add a column for the Previous Period or Year.
  3. Choose how to show the variance.
  4. Select Run report.

Include opening and closing balances >

Add columns to show the opening and closing balances.

Track your finances over time. Begin with the year's starting bank balance, monitor changes, and compare year-end balances.

  1. From the Customise report panel, select Columns.
  2. Choose Year to date closing balances and/or Opening balances.
  3. Select Run report.

Show values a cumulative amount >

Show balance sheet values as cumulative totals from the year's start to the end of each period.

  1. From the Customise report panel, choose Columns.
  2. Choose As cumulative over a period of time.
  3. Select Run Report.

Drill down balances and nominal ledger

Show balance sheet values as cumulative totals from the year's start to the end of each period.

The Default view:

  • View shifts to Monthly Summary for the current month or year-to-date. Click underlined balance to open the Nominal Activity Detailed report.
  • Monthly summary will open the Nominal Activity Detailed report directly

To return to the original report, close the open drill down report or select Back in your browser.

Share your report with others

When you're happy with your report, you can save or export it. Select:

  • Save as - To name the report and save it to run again later. You can find your named report within the customisable report under the period dropdown:
  • Export - To save a copy for your records or to share with others. You can choose PDF, CSV or Excel format

The report is ready when a notification displays on the main navigation bar, to the left of Profile. Select the notification bell to open the report.

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