Run and understand the customisable Balance Sheet

A customisable version of the Balance Sheet report opens when you select Balance Sheet - customisable from the Reports page.

This topic explains:

  • Report calculations
  • Differences between the old and new Balance Sheet reports
  • Customising the report to suit your business
  • Running the report for different periods
  • Drill down to investigate the balances

Read our article About the Balance Sheet (open in new tab).

We have made some updates to our reporting.

Read our article About the updates (opens in new tab).


How the Balance Sheet -  customisable calculates

The Balance Sheet offers flexibility in organization and calculation, with variations in layout, labelling of sections, and balancing methods.

The customisable Balance Sheet can display sections in different orders with varied calculated values, offering multiple valid methods for balance.

Current layout

  • Net Assets - calculated as Total Assets less Liabilities
  • Equity balances with Net Assets
For example:

You have the following: £8000 of Assets, £2000 of Liabilities and £6000 of Equity

Current balance sheet

Assets less Liabilities = Net Assets

8000 - 2000 = 6000

Your Equity balances with your Net Assets

Equity = 6000

Net Assets = 6000

How the Balance Sheet - customisable is different

The Balance Sheet - customisable:

  • Three pre-configured 'Views' to give you three ways of viewing the Balance Sheet out
  • Choose a new date range for each View, with clear descriptions, ensuring accurate reporting on specified ranges
  • Enables use of various date range types, showing totals for selected periods or as a single total

  • Lets you compare across periods or financial years and track the variance across periods

How to use the Balance Sheet

Drill down balances

If you see balances you want to investigate, you can drill down on the balances to see details.

Select any underlined balance to see what makes it up.

  • For amounts spanning multiple accounts or months, the Nominal Activity Summary report opens for balance review
  • For a single account in a month, the Nominal Activity Detailed report opens to review account transactions

To return to the original report, close the open report (or reports) or select Back in your browser.

Save or share your report

When you're happy with your report, you can save or export it.


  • Save as. Name the report and save it to run again later. Find your report on the Custom tab
  • Export. Save a copy for your records or to share with others. Choose PDF, CSV, or Excel format
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Steps to duplicate
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