Run the Aged Debtors report

Run the report

  1. From Reporting, choose More.
  2. Select Aged Debtors.
  3. Choose the date to run the report up to. Transactions appear based on this date.
  4. Sort the report by Name to see amounts owed alphabetically or by Outstanding Amount to see who owes the most.
  5. Select Calculate.

Enter the customer's name in the Search box.

Up to a specific date

Run the report to show the total amount due at a past date, useful for audits.

Compare the aged debtors report with the trial balance to confirm you entered all transactions correctly.

Running the report for a past date excludes later payments, so invoices paid later will still show as outstanding.

Enter the date and choose Calculate.

Include details of unpaid invoices

To include a list of unpaid invoices and the total amount outstanding, choose Detailed.

Filter by group analysis

If you have set up group analysis types, you can run the filter report to just show your aged debts by the group names.

For example, if you group your customers by their location or salesperson.

  1. From More, choose the Analysis Type and Category.
  2. Select Calculate.

Read our article to find out more about Analysis types.

Print or export the report

Select Export then choose either CSV or PDF.

Exporting as CSV

The file will either automatically download to your Downloads folder or prompt you to save it.

If prompted, select the destination folder and click Save.

Exporting as PDF

The PDF will open in a new window or tab.

From your browser's menu, you can choose to either print or save the PDF.

Read more in our Introduction to the Aged Debtors report article.

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