Import customers or suppliers

You can easily create customer or supplier records using a CSV file to add multiple records at once.

 NOTE: There's a different process to change or adjust existing customers or suppliers. Find out more about how to Update customers and suppliers using a CSV file.


To import a customer or supplier record file you must have:

  • An Accounts Start Date set and a VAT scheme. Find out more about how to Set up financial year, accounting dates and VAT
  • Use separate files for importing customer and supplier records; avoid mixing both types in a single file
  • The same column headings and formatting as in the CSV template file. For example, each contact you import must have a Reference

Step 1: Download the CSV file template

  1. From Contacts, select Customers or Suppliers.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the New Customer or New Supplier button.
  3. Select Import Customers or Import Suppliers.
  4. Click the template CSV hyperlink to start the file download. Once it's complete, go to your downloads folder.

Step 2: Prepare the import file

If you already have a file, check it against the template to match the column headings and data format before importing your contacts.

If you don't have a file, fill in the template with your data, keeping the column headings and format intact.

Find out more on the Customers and Suppliers file format.

Step 3: Import your customers and suppliers

  1. From Contacts, select Customers or Suppliers.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the New Customer or New Supplier button.
  3. Select Import Customers or Import Suppliers from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Choose File. Browse to your import CSV file, then click Open.
  5. Keep the CSV format drop-down as Accounting, then select Upload.
  6. Click OK when you receive the prompt confirming a successful upload.

If you have errors appearing preventing your upload, refer to Common import errors.

Steps to duplicate
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