The easiest way to handle duplicate bank feed transactions is to discard them from the bank feed. If you notice duplicate transactions that shouldn't be there, discard them from the bank feed without processing. - From Banking, open the relevant bank feed.
- Select the relevant transactions you want to delete using the checkbox.
- Select Delete selected, then confirm the deletion by selecting Yes, delete.
NOTE: If you notice this happening regularly, Contact us to investigate further. If you spot the duplicate after creating the transaction, delete it from Bank Activity. How to delete bank transactions. You cannot delete transactions included on a submitted VAT return. You will need to reverse these instead. Edit or delete transactions included on a VAT return. [BCB:299:UKI - Personal content block - Dane:ECB] [BCB:306:UKI - Search override - Accounting UK / IE:ECB] [BCB:276:UKI - hide back button:ECB] |