If you don't subscribe to the Pensions Module, you must prepare for pension re-enrolment manually. To get ready, you must: - Check when your 6 month re-enrolment window is using your duties start date, or if applicable your last re-enrolment date
- Choose a re-enrolment within the 6 month window
- Decide whether you're going to assess employees who've opted out within the last 12 months
- Collate details of your employees who've opted out
Opt out information in your software If your employees' opt out dates were entered into your software, you can check these with the following steps: - On your employee list, select the employees you'd like to check.
- Right click any employee then click Open Employee.
- Click the Pensions tab. You can check the Opt out date here.
- Use the Next button to move to the next employee until you complete your checks.
If opt out dates haven't been recorded in your software, you must check your records outside of payroll for this information. Regulator guidance For full guidance on preparation steps and meeting your re-enrolment duties, go to thepensionsregulator.gov.uk. [BCB:377:UK - pension module sales:ECB] |