What is pension re-enrolment?

Every three years you must assess if employees need to go back onto a pension scheme. Your re-enrolment duties vary depending on whether you have any employees who fall into a worker category that you must re-enrol.

You can find out more about re-enrolment and redeclaration from The Pensions Regulator.

Let's run through the four main stages of re-enrolment.


1. Choose your re-enrolment date

First, you must choose your re-enrolment date. This must fall within the six-month window that starts three months before the third anniversary of your duties start date or original staging date, and ends three months after it.

You may want to align your re-enrolment date with other key dates in your business or to avoid any seasonal peaks which may result in an influx of new members.

If you have a single pay frequency, consider selecting a re-enrollment date that aligns with the first day of a pay reference period to avoid pro-rata pension contributions.

2. Assess and re-enrol eligible employees

On your re-enrolment date, you must assess employees who you've previously assessed for automatic enrolment and who have:

  • Been eligible jobholders at some point since you staged for automatic enrolment
  • Opted out of your pension scheme
  • Ceased active membership of your pension scheme
  • Stayed in your pension scheme but chose to reduce the level of pension contributions to below the minimum level required for automatic enrolment

You must re-enrol employees who:

  • Have left your automatic enrolment pension scheme more than 12 months before your re-enrolment date and;
    • Are aged between 22 and state pension age
    • Have qualifying earnings above the earnings trigger for automatic enrolment

You can also choose whether or not to include employees who are eligible, but who've left your automatic enrolment pension scheme less than 12 months before your re-enrolment date.

3. Write to employees you re-enrol

Next you must write to any employees that you re-enrol, within six weeks of your re-enrolment date.

4. Complete your re-declaration of compliance

Finally, you need to tell The Pensions Regulator (TPR) how you've met your legal duties for re-enrolment by completing an online re-declaration of compliance. You must do this within five months of the third anniversary of your duties start date or staging date . Find out more >

Process cyclical re-enrolment

If you use the Pensions Module to carry process your workplace pension scheme, you can use it to help you carry out your re-enrolment duties. Find out how >

If you aren't subscribed to the pensions module and re enrolment is due, you'll need to carry this out manually. Find out more >

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