How to enter CIS invoices

When you pay your subcontractors, Sage 50 CIS automatically calculates the deductions you need to make and posts the required credit notes. This means you can be sure that the deductions you make are accurate and nothing is missed.

Posting invoices from subcontractors is largely the same as for any other supplier. You can post purchase orders and batch invoices as you normally would, the only difference is the nominal codes that you use. You must use the CIS nominal codes that you set up when you activated the Sage 50 CIS module.

When you pay your subcontractor, the required deduction is made from the labour elements of the invoice, nominal codes 6000 and 6002 by default.


Enter a subcontractor invoice

  1. On the navigation bar, click Subcontractors then click Batch Invoice.
  2. Enter your invoice details as required. Use can use our The Batch Invoice and Batch Credit windows guide to do this.
    To split an invoice across several lines, for example for different nominal codes or products, enter separate lines.
    • If lines share the same account, date and reference, they are grouped together. If you want to separate the lines for recording payments, use different references
    • If you enter an invoice that appears to be a a duplicate, an alert appears. Find out more in our Check for duplicates as you enter batch transactions guide
  3. If the subcontractor invoice is disputed, you can choose a dispute reason in the Disputed? column.
  4. Check your batch totals are correct, click Save then click Close.
 NOTE: The Batch Subcontractor Invoice window will only show CIS nominal codes.  

For more information on other ways to post subcontractor CIS transactions - Read more >

[BCB:183:Oli Footer CB with feedback:ECB] [BCB:90:CIS - Sales:ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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