How to enter CIS invoices

Sage 50 CIS automatically calculates and posts deductions and credit notes when you pay subcontractors, ensuring accuracy.

Posting invoices from subcontractors is similar to any other supplier. Just use the CIS nominal codes set up when you activated Sage 50 CIS.

 NOTE: The Batch Subcontractor Invoice window only shows CIS nominal codes. 

When paying your subcontractor, the required deductions are calculated from the labour elements of the invoice using nominal codes 6000 and 6002 by default.


Enter a subcontractor invoice

  1. Select Subcontractors then click Batch invoice.
  2. Enter your invoice details in the window as required.

  TIP: Split the invoice over several lines if you need to enter different nominal codes or products. 

The software checks for duplicate transactions and alerts you by highlighting the them.

 NOTE: Lines with the same account, date and reference group together. To separate them for recording payments, use different references. 

  1. Click Save then click Close.
Steps to duplicate
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