Resend a welcome email to a client's employee - Online Bureau

Before an employee can log into Online Bureau (known as Sage Employee Online Services to them), they need to register their account. 

The employee registers using a link in their welcome email. If the employee doesn't have their welcome email, or it's expired, you can resend it.


To resolve this, log in to this company in Online Bureau, and resend their welcome email.

  1. Go to the Online Bureau login page and log in as normal.
  2. Select the Employees tab at the top, then select View employee list.
  3. Find the relevant employee and select their name to view their profile.
  4. Select the Resend a welcome email button.

You've sent the employee a new welcome email, which they can use to set up their access in this company.

No option to resend welcome email

If the 'resend a welcome email' button is missing, check the ▼ Employee status in their profile.

The employee's profile in Online Bureau, highlighting that their status is on-boarded.

When the employee's status is On-boarded, they've logged in to the portal before. It's not possible to resend their welcome email, as they've already registered.

Advise the employee to reset their password if they can't log in. If they'd like some help with doing this, provide them with the change password for Sage HR Online Services article.

Steps to duplicate
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