Change your Sage account email address

Your Sage account provides single sign-on access to all Sage products and services. Changing your email updates it across all products. You can change your Sage account email address at

 NOTE: Your password and 2-factor authentication (2FA), if enabled, will remain the same after you change your email address. 


NOTE for UK customers: Visit our article Change your My Sage login email.

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Select Email address.

    Manage your account. Email address is fourth option.

    If you don’t have an option to change your email in Account Management, contact your Sage support team.

  3. Enter your new email address and select Continue.

    Make sure you’ve entered your details correctly as we'll use this email address to get in touch with you.

    You'll receive an email with a verification code to confirm you have access to the new email account.

    NOTE: Find out what to do if No activation or verification email is received when using 'Forgot your password?' option.

  4. Enter the code and select Verify email.

    Your email address won't change until you've entered the verification code.

  5. Log in using your new email address. 

From time to time, we can contact you to confirm if the email change applies to other products or services.

Steps to duplicate
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