Create a custom alert for a product

In Sage 50 Accounts v27 and above, you can create a customised alert to appear when you or your colleagues select a specific product on an invoice, quotation, sales order, or purchase order. It's a simple and effective way to share important information and timely reminders. ​


NOTE: This feature is available in Sage 50 Accounts v27 and above. Alerts for sales and purchase orders are only available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional.

  1. Open Sage 50 Accounts and click Products and services.
  2. Double-click the product record, or click the product then click Edit.
  3. Click Alerts then click New.
  4. Select what you want the alert to display in:
    • Invoices
    • Quotes
    • Sales Orders
    • Purchase Orders
  5. Select if you want the alert to display as a pop-up message, or be embedded in the window.
  6. Under Description, enter what message you want to appear for the alert.
  7. Click Save.

The custom alert is now listed in the Alert tab where you can see its description, when it was created, and its active status.

To amend a custom alert, highlight it, then click Edit.

When you now create an invoice, quotation or order, when you select this product your message appears.

 EXAMPLE: Below is how a custom alert appears as a pop-up message

NOTE: The alert appears when you select the product and therefore doesn't pop-up when creating invoices, quotations or orders from options which pre-populate the products, such as the Buy / Sell or Duplicate options. 

 EXAMPLE: Below is how a custom alert appears embedded in the window.

TIP: If you no longer want a custom alert to appear, you can disable or delete it - Read more >

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Steps to duplicate
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