Phase 1 - Job Retention Scheme Module: Choose the employees you need to furlough
[BCB:36:Payroll CJRS module update:ECB]

After you select the dates to furlough your employees, you can choose the employees  you're furloughing.

For the purpose of your claim, we strongly recommend that you only select the employees that you're furloughing for the same date range. If you need to claim for mixed date ranges, you should select multiple claims for each date range.

Which employees should I select?

When running the module if your employees have different furlough dates in the claim period, you should only select those employees you're running the calculation for.

If the claim period, pay frequency and furlough dates are the same for all employees, use the select all option then continue with all employees.

Non-furloughed earnings

In order to calculate Employers NI correctly as per HMRC's advice, you must enter if relevant, any non-furloughed earnings. This information is based on the furlough dates you select, and are then broken down by tax period and the start and end of the non-furloughed period is shown in days.


A monthly pay frequency and furlough dates of 01/03/2020 - 31/05/2020. The date the last pay period covered - 25/02/2020.

The Start of Non-Furloughed Period is the day after the date the last pay period covered - 26/02/2020.

The End of Non-Furloughed Period is the day before the start of the furlough period - 29/02/2020.

This means there were four days that employees weren't furloughed and therefore would have been paid an amount, this is the non-furlough earnings you need to enter.

Select employees
  1. Click Company then click Job Retention Scheme.
  2. Next to Choose the employees you'd like to furlough, click Do it now.
  3. To show leavers (optional), select the Show leavers check-box.
  4. Select the required employees, then click Expand All.
    • To select all employees, select the check-box within the header row, then Expand All.
  5. In the Employment Type drop-down list, select Variable Pay, Fixed Pay or Manual.
    • The employment type that you select affects the claim calculation. You should only select manual if you want to enter your own amount for an employee in the assessment. For more information on employment types, check our calculate pay for furloughed workers guide >
  6. In the Non-Furlough Earnings column, enter the amount of pay your employee has received for non-furloughed days in period.
  7. If applicable, in the Total Top-Up Pay column, enter any top-up payments that you've made to your employee.
  8. To print the screen for your records, click Print.
  9. Click Save.
Next step

You can now select the payments and deductions to assess.

Steps to duplicate
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