Phase 1 - Job Retention Scheme Module: Select the dates to furlough your employees
[BCB:36:Payroll CJRS module update:ECB]

The first task in the Job Retention Scheme Module is to select whether this is your first claim, select the pay frequency and set the furlough period. You can make multiple claims for an employee but you can't make a further claim for an employee if the dates overlap with a period that you've already claimed for. The earliest date that you can make a claim is 1 March 2020.

If you're making a claim for March 2020 and some of your employees were furloughed for different date ranges, for example some employees were March 1 to March 21 and others were from March 21 onwards, you need to run the Job Retention Scheme Module for each date range separately then combine the values together before making the claim.

NOTE: The deadline for Phase 1 claims was 31 July 2020. From 1 August 2020 you can only make claims for employees you've furloughed from 1 July.

This article provides general rather than specific guidance to assist all of our customers. We always do our best to make sure that the information is correct but as it's general guidance, no guarantees can be made concerning its suitability for your particular needs. The information is valid at the time of publishing and is provided without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. You should take professional advice if you require specific guidance on your individual circumstances, for example to ensure that the results obtained from using our software comply with statutory or regulatory requirements.

For Employers, PAYE and general tax enquiries you should call HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) National Advice Service Helpline on 0300 200 3200, contact your local HMRC office or visit their website at In no event will we be liable to you for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your use of the information provided.


All employees furloughed for same date range

If all employees were furloughed at the same time and are all on the same pay frequency, you only need to submit one claim for the date range.

EXAMPLE: If all employees were furloughed for the full month of March, you enter the date range from 01/03/2020 to 31/03/2020 then select all of the employees in step two. This means that you only need to run the Job Retention Scheme Module once for March 2020.

Claim period for full month with employees furloughed for different dates

If you've had furloughed employees for the full month but the dates were different for your employees, you need to run the Job Retention Scheme Module for each date range separately then combine the values together before making the claim.

EXAMPLE: You have 10 employees on your payroll, five of them were furloughed 1st to 21st March then returned to work. The other five were then furloughed 15th to 31st March:

  1. Run the full Job Retention Scheme Module process for the first five employees dated 01/03/2020 to 21/03/2020 then save.
  2. Run the full Job Retention Scheme Module process for the second group of employees dated 15/03/2020 to 31/03/2020 then save.
  3. Combine the total of the two processes then submit one claim on HMRC's portal with a date range of 01/03/2020 to 31/03/2020.

Select the pay frequency of who you're furloughing and furlough dates

You need to create a separate claim for each pay frequency your employees are on.

  1. Click Company then click Job Retention Scheme.
  2. Next to step 1, click Do it now.
  3. From the Phase drop-down, select One for the phase of the JRS you are claiming for.
  4. If relevant, select the This is the first JRS claim for these employees check box.
  5. From the drop-down menu, select the pay frequency of the employees to be furloughed.
  6. Enter the From and to furlough dates.
  7. Enter the date the last pay period covered.

    This is the last date of your pay period prior to the furlough period.

    EXAMPLE: If you paid your employees on 25 March but were paying them up to 31 March, you would enter 31/03/2020.

  8. Click Save.

You can now choose the employees you'd like to furlough.

[BCB:141:Limitless - 50 Payroll - Statutory Payments:ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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