Flag a customer invoice as being in dispute

If a customer disputes an invoice you've sent them, you can mark the unpaid invoice as disputed until you come to an agreement. 

NOTE: The Dispute option is available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional.

[BCB:56:Sales survey with UK telephone number:ECB]
  1. On the navigation bar click Customers, click Disputes then choose the required account.
  2. Select the transaction that you want to mark as disputed, then click Dispute.
  3. In the Reason code drop-down, click the reason for the dispute, then click OK.
    • A d appears next to the selected transaction showing that it's in dispute.
  4. To save your changes, click Save then click Close.

Find out more on how to amend dispute reasons, report on disputes and remove disputes in our further guides:

Flag supplier or customer invoice as in dispute >

Amend invoice dispute reasons >

Remove a dispute flag from an invoice >

[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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