Create a new bank record

If you need to add a new bank account, follow these steps in this guide. Let's do this now.

This guide explains how to create a new bank record. If it doesn't answer your question, you can find further help in our Banking Help Centre >

TIP: You can also create a bank record using the Bank wizard.

  1. Click Bank accounts, then click New.
  2. Enter the relevant Account Details.
  3. Click Bank Details and enter your bank address, account and contact information.

    TIP: You can add notes or attachments to your bank account in the Memo tab

  4. Click Save and Close.

You've now created your new bank record.

We recommend that you check this new nominal code is correctly placed in your chart of accounts.

  [BCB:278:UKI - Personal content block - Steph:ECB]
[BCB:99:Limitless - 50cloud Accounts - Bank:ECB]


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