Reconcile the aged creditors - Check for data corruption

There are a number of reasons why this may happen.

One reason may be due to corruption in your data.

Check your data for errors or warnings
  1. Click File then click Maintenance.
  2. Click Check Data.
    • Errors: These may be causing the problem and must be corrected before continuing. Read more
    • Warnings: The following warning indicates problems with the aged creditors:
      • 'Purchase Aged Balance disagrees with Creditors Control by (amount)'
    • This appears because:
      • Journals posted to the Creditors Control Account. Read more
      • Link removed transactions. For help with this, continue to the Check for bucket corruption section


Check for bucket corruption

Bucket corruption occurs when the nominal code bucket values disagree with the total of the activity for the same period. To check this, run the Nominal Activity report for each month in the current financial year and compare each history balance to the buckets in the nominal record. Read more

Check for currency corruption

If the currency information in your data is corrupt, this may cause the aged creditors reports to show an incorrect balance.

To check for currency corruption, remove the currency code and currency symbol from the aged report:

  1. Click Suppliers then click Reports.
  2. Click Aged Creditors Analysis (Summary) then click Edit.
  3. Select the Currency Symbol variable then click Delete.
  4. Select the Currency Code variable then click Delete.
  5. Click File then click Save As.
  6. Ensure Save in is My Supplier Reports then click Save.
  7. Close Report Designer and the Report Browser.
  8. Click Reports then click My Supplier Reports.
  9. Click Aged Creditors Analysis (Summary) then click Preview.
  10. Enter the required criteria then click OK.

    If the report matches the Creditors control account on the Trial Balance, there may be corruption on the currency in your data. To resolve this you need to restore a backup prior to the problem occurring.

If the issue persists

You'll need to check if any journals have been posted to the Creditors Control Account.


[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]


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