Invoice Payments - Add a Pay Now button to your existing invoice layout

This article applies to Sage 50 Accounts v25.0 and below.

If you have Sage 50 Accounts v25.1 or above - Read more >. You can check your software version in Help, About.

Once you set up Invoice Payments for Sage 50 Accounts, if you don't want to use the standard Invoice Payments layouts, you can add a Pay Now button to your own invoice layout. This allows your customers to quickly pay you online, by card payment using Stripe, or by PayPal.

If you have more than one company using Invoice Payments, you should follow the steps below for each company.

NOTE: Please note, this payment method cannot be used on statements or chase letters.

Copy the button from a standard layout
  1. On the navigation bar click Invoices and credits, click one of your invoices then click Print.
  2. In the Layouts window click the Layouts folder.
  3. Click the layout with the description 'E-Mail Invoice (Euro) - With Sage Invoice Payments or Sage Pay' then click Edit.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the layout then click the Pay Now button.
  5. On the menu bar click Edit then click Copy.
  6. To minimise Report Designer, in the top right corner click the minimise icon.
    Paste onto your custom invoice layout
  7. In the Layouts window, browse to and select your custom invoice layout, then click Edit.
  8. Scroll down and in the last section called INVOICE_NUMBER Footer, right-click where you want the Pay Now button to appear, then click Paste.
    You can click and drag existing items to make space.
  9. If required, click and drag to move the button into place.
Ensure your layout contains AMOUNT_DUE
Check if you can see an expression called AMOUNT_DUE on your layout.

If you can see an AMOUNT_DUE expression, save your layourt and click Close.

If you can't see an AMOUNT_DUE expression:

  1. On the menu bar click Toolbox, then click Add expression.
  2. Click a blank area in the last section called INVOICE_NUMBER Footer.
  3. Enter the following expression then click OK.
  4. In the Properties pane click Name, enter AMOUNT_DUE, then in the Suppress Printing drop-down click True.
  5. Save your layout and click Close.
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[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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