When must you assess for re-enrolment?To check when you must assess your employees for re-enrolment, first, use a tax calendar to find which tax period your re-enrolment date falls in. Next, check the date you're paying your employees in that tax period. When you process this pay date, you must run the pension assessment to assess your employees for re-enrolment.
TIP: The dates your employees earned their pay aren't relevant when identifying the pay run to complete re-enrolment. To see an example, click the options below: Monthly paid example >The re-enrolment date is 30 November 2022, and employees' payday is the 25th of every month. 30 November falls in tax month 8, the dates for which run from 6 November to 5 December. This means that re-enrolment is due for assessment on the employees' payday in month 8. In this example, that's the pay date 25 November.
Weekly paid example >The re-enrolment date is 28 November 2022, and employees' payday is every Friday. 28 November falls in tax week 34, which runs from 23 November to 29 November. This means that re-enrolment is due for assessment on the employees' payday in week 34. In this example, that's the pay date of 25 November.
How to assess employees- Set your process date and enter your payments as normal, then click Pension Assessment.
- To check which employees the assessment re-enrolled, click the View drop-down list.
- Select Changed this period.
- To check the changes, hover over the flag next to the employee's name.
For employees who re-enrolled, their status changes to Auto-enrolled. What if no one's re-enrolled?You may find that none of your employees need to be re-enrolled during cyclical re-enrolment. For example, if no one has opted out, or if those who've opted out aren't eligible jobholders during the re-enrolment assessment. If so, skip to the complete your re-declaration of compliance section to complete your re-enrolment.
Send new member enrolment details to your pension providerYou can send your pension data as normal to send new member enrolment files to your pension provider.
Write to the employees you re-enrolWrite to any employees that you re-enrol within six weeks of your re-enrolment date. You can use Send Pension Correspondence to generate re-enrolment letters to the relevant employees.
Complete your re-declaration of complianceYou must tell TPR how you've met your legal duties by completing your re-declaration of compliance. This is due within five months of the third anniversary of your staging date. TIP: You don't need to record your re-declaration of compliance within Sage 50 Payroll.
What if my employee wants to opt out again?Sometimes, you may have an employee who doesn't want to re-enrol to the pension scheme. If they're eligible for re-enrolment you must still re-enrol the employee into your pension scheme. Once you re-enrol your employee to your workplace pension scheme, the employee must contact the pension provider to opt out. You can then process the opt-out in your software in the pay period after you receive confirmation of the opt-out.
Cyclical re-enrolment dateAfter you process re-enrolment, your software moves the re-enrolment date on by three years, ready for the next time it's due. NOTE: If you prefer, you can select any date within your six-month re-enrolment window.
Your six month window runs from three months before, to three months after either: - The three-year anniversary of your duty start date, this applies when you reach your first re-enrolment since your duties began
- The three-year anniversary of your last cyclical re-enrolment date, this applies if re-enrolment has been completed before in your company