Pay off a supplier invoice

If you have an outstanding supplier invoice in Sage 50 Accounts that has been paid in real life, to show it it is no longer outstanding you must make a supplier payment.

TIP: If you have an existing supplier credit note or supplier payment on account that you want to pay or part pay a supplier invoice with, you can allocate these to the invoice - Read more >

  1. On the navigation bar click Suppliers, then click Supplier Payment.
    Alternatively in the navigation bar, click Bank accounts, then on the Payments drop-down click Supplier payment.
  2. Complete the Supplier Payment window as follows:

v28.1 and above

Bank A/C Choose the bank account you want the payment to be posted. This option initially shows your default bank account as defined in Settings, Control Accounts.
Account Choose the supplier to pay.
Date Enter the date of the payment
Reference Enter a reference if required
Ex Reference Enter an extra reference if required
Amount Enter the amount to be paid. Alternatively, if you leave this box blank, the value automatically calculates as you enter payment values against the transactions.

V28.0 and below


Bank A/C Ref Choose the bank account you want the payment to be posted. This option initially shows your default bank account as defined in Settings, Control Accounts.
Date* Enter the payment date in this box.
Cheque No Enter the cheque number or the reference for the payment. This can be up to 30 characters.

If you want to print a cheque for this payment in Sage 50 Accounts, leave this box blank. If you use e-Banking and the supplier is set up for online payments, (BACS) automatically appears in this box.
Payee* Choose the relevant supplier account. A list of outstanding transactions for the supplier then appears.
Cheque value Enter the payment amount. Alternatively, if you leave this box blank, the value automatically calculates as you enter payment values against the transactions.
  1. For each invoice you want to pay, enter the payment details as follows:

    Payment Enter the amount you want to pay against each transaction in the list. Alternatively, use the Pay in Full option to enter the full value of the invoice.
    Discount If there's a discount on the invoice value, enter the value of the discount here.
    Bank Charge A/C If bank charges apply, this is the default account that you set up in Bank Charge Settings.
    Cur If you use Foreign Trader, this is the bank charge currency.
    Bank Charge If a bank charge applies, enter it here.
  2. To save the supplier payment, click Save.


[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]


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