Report Designer - the menu bar

Sage Report Designer is a powerful tool to help you amend and design reports.

There are a lot of options available to help you navigate within Report Designer.


The File menu

The following options are available from the File menu:

NewOpens the Report Wizard to create a new report.
OpenOpen an existing Sage Accounts report.
CloseCloses the current report.
Close AllCloses all open reports.

This option saves the current report with the same file name.

NOTE: You cannot save over a fixed report, so if you are editing a fixed report, this option is unavailable.

Save AsThis option opens the Save As window for you to save the current report as a new file.
Save All

This saves all open reports with their original file names.

NOTE: You cannot save over a fixed report, so if you are editing a fixed report, this option is unavailable.

ImportOpen a report file from Sage Accounts v12, and convert it into the correct format for use in the new Report Designer.
ExportExport the current report to one of the available file formats.
EmailSend the report by email.
PrintPrint the current report as it currently appears on the Designer window.
Report to ExcelGenerate the report and export a formatted copy to Microsoft Excel.
Data to ExcelGenerate the report data to Microsoft Excel.
Page SetupChange the printer settings, paper sizes and margins for your report.
WatermarkAdd text or an image as a watermark on the report.
Recent FilesOpen one of the five most recent files you've edited in Report Designer.
Exit Closes all open reports and exits Report Designer.

The Edit menu

The following options are available from the Edit menu:

UndoUndo the previous action. You can use this option several times to step backward in the editing process.
RedoRedoes an action that you have previously undone. You can use this option several times.
CutTake a copy of the selected item to the clipboard and removes the existing item from the document.
CopyTake a copy of the selected item to the clipboard, but leaves the existing item on the document.
PasteInsert a previously cut or copied item into the selected location.
DeleteDelete the currently selected item.
Select AllSelect all items on the report.
Unselect AllDeselect all selected items.

The View menu

The following options are available from the View menu:

Report WizardOpens the Report Wizard with details of the current report. You can then move through the Report Wizard to change the current report.
DesignerCloses any preview and returns you to the main Report Designer window.
PreviewPreviews the current report. You can use this option to preview the report before you save it.
RulersShows or hides the rulers along the top and left-hand sides of the Report Designer window.
File ExplorerShows or hides the File Explorer pane. You can use the File Explorer pane to navigate to an existing report.
ToolboxShows or hides the Toolbox pane. The Toolbox pane contains options you can use to amend and format the report. You can also find these options under the Toolbox menu.
Report ExplorerShows or hides the Report Explorer pane. The Report Explorer pane contains full details of the contents of the report and includes any hidden items.
PropertiesShows or hides the Properties pane. The Properties pane contains information about the selected item within Report Designer. If no item is selected, it contains information about the whole report.
MarginsShows or hides the shaded grey margins on the report.
VariablesShows or hides the Variables pane. You can use the Variables pane to add new information from your Sage Accounts software to your report.
Dynamic HelpShows or hides the Dynamic Help pane. The Dynamic Help pane takes you through common report changes, such as adding images or text, step by step.
ZoomZoom in or out of the report.
Reset Default ViewSet the Report Designer panes and toolbars back to the default settings.

The Toolbox menu

This menu contains the options for amending and formatting your report. The following options are available:

PointerSwitch from another option, for example Expression, back to the mouse pointer.
Add TextAdd a text box to your report.
Draw LineAdd a line to your report.
Draw BoxAdd a box to your report.
Add Image/LogoYou can use this option to add an image to your report.
Add Data FieldAdd a data field, or variable, to your report.
Add BarcodeAdd a barcode to your report.
Add ExpressionAdd an expression to your report.
Add SubreportAdd a sub report to your report. A sub report is a separate self contained report that runs within another report.

The Sections menu

This menu contains options for re-grouping your report. The following options are available:

Add SectionYou can use this option to add a new section to your document.
Delete Section

Delete the currently selected section.

NOTE: If you delete a header or footer section, this also deletes the corresponding header or footer section.

Move Section Up

Move the currently selected section up the page.

NOTE: If you move a header or footer section, the corresponding header or footer section also moves.

Move Section Down

Move the currently selected section down the page.

NOTE: If you move a header or footer section, the corresponding header or footer section also moves.

The Report menu

This menu contains options for filtering and controlling the data available on your report. The following options are available:

Report PropertiesChange the name and description of your report.
Email SettingsAccess the email settings for this report.
JoinsAdd additional Report Designer tables to your document in order to access additional database information.
SortsSort the data on the report based on a variable or expression.
FiltersLimit the information that appears on the report.
CriteriaEnable criteria that you can then enter when you run the report.
Change Report Data SourceChange the data source used within Report Designer.

The Format menu

The Format menu contains options for aligning and presenting your reports. The following options are available:

AlignmentAlign the selected items to each other. The first selected item, which appears surrounded by white squares, remains in place and any additional items are aligned to this object.
Make Same SizeThis option makes all selected items the same size. The size to use is taken from the first selected item, which appears surrounded by white squares.
Centre In SectionPlace all selected items centrally within the current section.
OrderChange the stacking order of the currently selected items.
GroupingGroup the selected items together. If items are grouped, when you select, move or resize one item, all of the items in the group change.
LockingYou can use this option to lock the selected items. If items are locked, they cannot be moved, deleted or changed.

The Tools menu

The Tools menu contains additional options for working with your reports. The following options are available:

Option Description
Check SpellingRun a spell check on the text items within the report.
Expression Snippets ManagerOpen the Expression Snippets Manager for you to add, remove or change the snippets.
Data SourcesThis option shows the data sources available to Report Designer.
OptionsThis opens the Options window which contains Report Designer appearance settings, default printer offsets, and email settings.

The Help menu

This menu contains options for accessing the various types of help available to you. The following options are available:

SearchOpens the built-in Report Designer help files, and defaults to the Search tab so that you can search for the required information.
ContentsOpens the built-in Report Designer help files, and defaults to the Contents tab so that you can view the contents table.
IndexOpens the built-in Report Designer help files, and defaults to the Index tab so that you can view the information alphabetically.
Help CentreOpens the Sage Help Centre, our online support system. You can then search for the information you need.
Help Centre - Report Designer indexOpens an index of useful articles to help you with Report Designer.
Remote supportOpens our Sage Remote Support website. This can be used when speaking to a Sage Technical Support technician to set up a remote support session.
Report Design RequestOpens our Report Design Service page. This page contains information about the Report Design Service, with details about how you can submit a request for a new customised report or layout.
AboutShows the Report Designer version and system information.
Check for updatesChecks for any Report Designer updates available to install.

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